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swollen lymph nodes or something


Since i was 18 (currently 33) i have had a weird issue. When i drink beer, eat most pizzas, any beer battered food , sometimes rootbeer (real stuff not necessarily canned or bottled major brand) and certain other things, i get an extremely painfull reaction behind my ears..  the muscles around my jaw and ears tense up and it feels like a ripping stabbing pain. Possibly lymph nodes. 1 single Beer takes a few hours to subside but pizza takes 15 to 20 minutes.   I have had kidney stones and this pain can make a kidney stone feel like popping a zit by comparison.

I can drink rum, vodka, wine and other hard liquors but not beer..  and even the things i can drink will cause reactions if i eat any sort of bread product at all with them or up to 3 hours prior or after drinking.

Pizza causes the reaction either way so needless to say i dont drink with pizza.

However sometumes rum vodka wine and things i "can" drink cause me tovhave shortness of breath and basically asthma attacks.

I have been researching this since the late 90s and still haven't found any real answers.  Not expecting to learn anything i dont already know but...  trying...  
3 Responses
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I am no doctor, but I have the same issue...it is a ripping, bubbling, burning sensation. i believe mine is related to my TMJ.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Not being a doctor, I can't say but am wondering if you have a Yeast allergy.  Yeast is found in the pizza dough and also in alcohol.  

Do you have a nut allergy?  Some rums contain nuts, some beer can contain nuts, too, from what I've read online.

Having asthma-like symptoms can be the beginning of anaphylaxis.  Please be careful and see an allergist or doctor.   Not sure about the pain you get behind your ear

Histamine, Yeasts (which explains the pizza crust & alcholol), Sulphites or Sulphur Dioxide or Additives are all things to explore with an allergist, too.

Please keep us posted!

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168348 tn?1379357075
I did a for more searches and it looks like home made root beer contains Yeast, too.   Hmmmmmm ?

Wonder if Yeast is your allergy?  Please let us know what your doctor says.

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