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Eosinophilia and High IGE

Hello Everyone,

I am in my 20's, normal weight, I exercise a lot and eat healthy balanced meals. I have had high eos levels for about a year and no one seems to know what causes it and how to treat it. My eos levels were 16% at first and now they're down to 10%. I also have a high level of IGE serum (255 iu/ml). I have been tested for parasites several times but the results came back negative. My doctor said this condition could be caused by allergies and put me on allergy medications, but I don't have any allergy related symptoms and the medications don't seem to do anything.

I do have elevated thyroid antibodies (TPO Ab and Thyroglobulin) and a history of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and gastritis. Can these issues be related to Eosinophilia and IGE somehow?

I am a bit concerned since my doctor told me that high eos levels can cause other problems, such as blood clots. Does anyone here happen to know what could be causing my high eos and IGE levels? Thank you in advance.
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Thank you so much for your help. I'm going to make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist and see what they think.
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Since you have been evaluated for parasitic infections, I'm at a loss. Though, you could try an infectious disease specialist to make sure that evaluation for parasites has been a complete one. Unfortunately -sometimes this stuff is idiopathic and they never find the cause. In terms of allergies, which are very difficult to track down, the RAST tests and pin prick testing won't pick up all allergies. So even if you showed up negative for some allergies -it doesn't mean you don't have them. As far as I know, there are four types of allergies (Types 1-4) and only some of them will be picked up on those tests.
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Thank you for your response. I am currently seeing an allergist and he put me on allergy meds. I have had a an endoscopy and my GI said it's not eosinophilic.

The thing is that no one seems to know what causes the increase in my EOS levels. The only thing that I've ever tested allergic to makes me sneeze a lot (like 100 times an hour). But I don't sneeze these days, so it must be something else that the allergy tests don't test for. Any ideas?
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Hi, Have you have an upper endoscopy for the gastritis? The blood work is suggestive of allergies, as your doctor said. You could have food allergies that are mixed. Of course, I'm not an MD, an allergist would know better obviously. Just based on my experience, you can develop allergies to food (e.g., eosinophilic esophagitis/gastritis), that don't present like the typical IgE mediated allergies with typically recognized symptoms. The treatment is to get rid of the offending agent. Anyway, just my 2 cents. If you are not comfortable with the approach of your doctor, I would go to an immunologist/allergist.
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