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Fatigue from Veramyst?

Hello everyone, I have suffered from seasonal allergy attacks, and my current doctor suggested I have rhinitis. I have been taking Veramyst nasal spray for about 6 months now. About 4 months ago I went to my doctor and asked him for a testosterone test which came back normal, I also asked him to run some blood work because I was always fatigued and took naps most days around 3pm. Everything came back normal. I am 39 years old and in great physical shape, and I eat what I consider a very healthy diet, I am pretty much a health nut.

I have been researching what might be causing my fatigue based on the supplements I take and medications, which is currently only Veramyst. I just saw a few post online saying fatigue was one of the side effects of Veramyst. If this is the case I am going to call my doctor and tell him I plan on stopping it. I would love to know if the last 4 months of having low energy has anything to do with the Veramyst. Does anyone have any experience with this or know anything about it? Thank you for your input.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, fatigue is usually not seen with Veramyst but can be seen in 1-3% of patients. It contains a steroid and when taken in spray form, there is less side effects. It can be due to muscle injury.

Other causes of fatigue are depression, blood disorders, disorders of neuromuscular system, Electrolytic imbalance, hypokalemia, metabolic diseases, toxins etc You need to take nutritious food. If the symptoms continue you can undergo routine blood tests. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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Thank you Dr. Rajput, I appreciate your time. I am going off of it anyway and am going to try a natural spray called sinusoothe.
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