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Hair Dye Allergy and Painful Swelling?!

I just dyed my hair the other day at an Aveda salon. My hair line is extremely swollen and painful and the glands behind my ears are as well. They are sore to the touch and honestly kind of lumpy! -- am I in any danger? Will this just go away? Should I be worried? It's been about 48 hours since I dyed my hair.
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I have been chemically treating my hair for over 35 years.  Straightening, highlighting and coloring every 4 weeks.  I started having reactions about 10 years ago.  The colorist  trick of adding sweet n low to the color before applying worked for the last 9.  The past year my scalp has been gradually getting worse, first very red, then itchy, now big itchy bumps that contain fluid.  My scalp is now becoming scaly in the same areas.  There have been so many colors tried for over the past year that have caused the same reaction.  The reactions are becoming more severe with each new brand.  The most recent coloring was two weeks ago and I still have the abrasions bleeding when I brush.  It was foils only as I have sadly decided that I cannot deal with the issue anymore and will go gray. I am beginning to think that I have exposed my system to many a carcinogenic through the reactions. I have been trying to find something like this blog for so long, finally success!  It has been enlightening.  I have never seen a Physician for my situation and wonder if it is too late now that they are healing.  
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Natural hair dye is the solution allergy. I have been through this miserable allergy experience when I used off shelf hair dye. But now I can dye my hair with no problem. The only problem is that i need to spend  2 hours to get it dye. I use two combinations of natural leaves. Please wait for me until i get it paitent.
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this is an awful reaction. I had this reaction once to black dye but never light colored dyes. i used Revlon Colorsilk along with bleach. Day 1, my head swelled like an alien. Day 2 I had alien head and one closed eye. I went to urgent care and he gave me an epi shot with a steroid shot and benedryl shot.  Day 4 my eye was still swollen shut, my other eye was on the way of being swollen shut and my face blew up like a puffer fish. I went to the Er and they gave me a steroid shot, and benedryl shot and sent me home with more steroids. Day 5 no change... Day 6 no change.... The itching is unbearable but scratching releases it in your system and makes it worse.I had missed a week from work and Im in hiding wearing shades where ever I go. Im terrified I have not seen any improvement. I went to an allergist on day 6 and he said the steroids will just make me swell more and to stop taking them because they will cause me to hold water. I hope this goes away fast. Patch test from now on...
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Yes I dyed my hair with clariol Natural instincts midnight black, and 2 days later my scalp was on fire, my throat swelled, i had lumps on my neck, rash  and I was itchy all over. I got put on predisone for 4 days, and 2 days after that I am back on more prednisone, for another 3 days. I am on benadryl and washing with dawn soap, and soaking with peroxide, I am so itchy , now my underarms, pubic area, arms and neck are so itchy. I am never dying my hair again! I hope this doesnt last too much longer, for this really is annoying. probably going to get some zyrtec i need relief!! arghhhhh
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Yes I dyed my hair with clariol Natural instincts midnight black, and 2 days later my scalp was on fire, my throat swelled, and I was itchy all over. I got put on predisone for 4 days, and 2 days after that I am back on more prednisone, for another 3 days. I am on benadryl and washing with dawn soap, and soaking with peroxide, I am so itchy , now my underarms, pubic area, arms and neck are so itchy. I am never dying my hair again! I hope this doesnt last too much longer, for this really is annoying. probably going to get some zyrtec i need relief!! arghhhhh
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I am going through this now. I simple did the root touch up kit (I have done several times before)  The next morning my scalp was oozing and my face started swelling.  24 hours after, my forehead and eyes were so swollen I looked like an alien.  I followed all the things everyone said, I took benedryl, put on calimine lotion and got cortozone.  Nothing worked, after 36 hours my eyes were swollen shut.  I got into my dermotologist and they gave a bunch of steroid shots in my scalp and then gave the steriods.  It is now 48 hours and it is worse,  The dermotologist told me it will take about 48 hours after starting the steriods for me to notice the difference., I can't go to work or drive - I can barely see.  This is so bad - I will be grey the rest of my life instead of go through this again.
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