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Hair Dye Allergy and Painful Swelling?!

I just dyed my hair the other day at an Aveda salon. My hair line is extremely swollen and painful and the glands behind my ears are as well. They are sore to the touch and honestly kind of lumpy! -- am I in any danger? Will this just go away? Should I be worried? It's been about 48 hours since I dyed my hair.
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Sorry didn't finish, so I jumped in a cold shower first thing in the morning grabbed my laptop and began searching, and I came across this awesome website. I've been taking Claritin during day, benadryl to sleep plenty of ice for swollen areas and this is the best part for the crazy itchy scalp. Aloe Vera plant opened and crushed inside with honey and a capsule of benadryl opened put al over the scalp and left for 3 hours washed off with cool water no shampoo nor conditioner brushed and let air dry. Oh what a relief. Swelling is gradually going down, the only thing I notice not changing quick enough is the bumps in neck and behind the ears. Thanks again for all your postings  
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Thank you to all for your advises. I've been coloring my hair for 30 years due to grey hair. I've never experienced this allerdic reaction so terrible like this last time. I colored my hair at a salon which I've been going to for several months already, must say that the product did make my scalp itch a lot more than before. Nevertheless I was so happy with the color, cut and service I figured some itch is well worth it. Well, on Thursday I had my roots done a light highlight and an hour later I found myself scratching.  Friday came around as the itching was uncontrollable. Couldn't sleep a wink found myself with my scalp pounding, itching like crazy, headache and lumps around my neck and behind my ears not to mention swollen face (I didn't need botox) decide to put ice packs allover my head and
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I have used the Clairol perfect 10 for several years.i have been coloring my hair for close to 30 years and all of a sudden i have reactions to this hair color.itching scalp like crazy! bumps all over my head and behind my ears.it lasted for weeks.i didn't realize it was the hair color and used it again.But this time i used a med dark brown instead of a darkest brown.The reaction wasn't as bad but still itched alot.Then i used Clairol Natural instincts Vibrant #4 Still itchy on the scalp and behind the ears which is really hard for me as i wear glasses.I haven't colored in weeks and my hair is getting silver right down the middle.I know it's just vanity and i'm 52,but i have really smooth almost wrinkle free skin and this is so distressing to me! i'm afraid to color again but i miss my dark hair and this patch of grey in the middle and now temples is driving me to wear a hat all day long.Their must be something that is natural and organic that i can use that won't KILL ME.please someone must know of something i can get here in CANADA,that will work.
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I just got prescription of Prednisone 10mg and also over the counter Zyrtec 10mg to take orally for the next 4 days. After the first doze, all my hives and bumps are gone. I thing the immune system goes crazy when my skin comes in contact with an allergen and as per the doctor, the above medications help reset the false alarm in the immune system with the Antihistamine and also with the Prednisone.

Please see a doctor and get advise. I lived with the hives and itching rashes for almost a month and I finally had enough. THe doctor said I should have started the prescriptions as soon as the symptoms showed up to treat this condition instead of wiating.

Hope this advise works for you. After researching this dye issue further, I realized that people have severe allergies to chemicals in various dyes. Do a 48 - 72 hr skin test in the future and also try not to have the dye ever touch your skin. Wash the hair off in a sink or at at a hair dressure instead of showering after applying the dye.

Best of luck.
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Hi I dyed my hair 2 days ago and since then I've had a pus like substance weeping from all over my scalp & my ears & neck are red & blotchy. The rash is itchy & sore to touch & the skin on my ears has gone red & dry. Help!
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I dyed my hair with an off the shelf For Men dye and i started having the hives and itching 10 days later. It has been 6 weeks and I still have them off and on throughout the whole body. I apply 1% hydrocortisone to the affected areas. Went to the doctor and he mentioned most likely an allergic reaction to the dye but had me also do a blood test for lupus since the symptoms are common. Blood report came negative so I am relieved but the hives are still around. I am thinking of getting a oral prescription of benadryl or prednisone to get relief from these hives. Sometimes they appear on the face, eyelids, neck and it is very embarrasing.
I am not sure if this will continue until all my dyed hair grow out and I get them cut.  I will not dye my hair again but now I do not know when the hives and itching will stop. Anyone out there know how they resolved this.
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