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Hand cover with blisters

While on holiday in Carribeans, I've developed egzema on one of my hands. First I had just red, itchty patch and next day the got covered with blisters. I have also some very few red spots on the other hand and my calves. The doctor did not know what could cause that. It's been a week, my blisters dissapeared but my hand is very red, itchy and the skin looks like a scar. Does anyone know what is that? It makes me really anxious. thank you
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It can be due to contact dermatitis, allergies or pompholyx. Pompholyx primarily involves the hands and fingers and then may involve the feet. The first stage is acute and presents as itchy blisters on the hands, fingers and toes. Then the chronic stage shows more peeling, cracking, or crusting. Then the skin heals up, or the blistering may start again. The exact cause is not known and excessive sweating can be one of the reasons.

I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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Thank you very much for your answer, I think it must have been contact dermatitis to plants such as poison oak, sumak or mango tree because the symptoms are exactly the same as seen on internet. My crust has peeled off now and I have very red and a bit painful skin, which looks very bad. The way my hand lookes like is actually worst then I first expected, the burn is more serious then it looked at the beginning. I don't know what to heal it with, nothing seems to work, I've tried fresh aloe vera but it seems too strong, also hemagel makes it more painful. If i don't apply anything then the skin it gets too dry. It's been 2 weeks today and it lookes its gonna take weeks to heal it;-(
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563773 tn?1374246539
If it is due to contact dermatitis to the plants, the rash will usually clear on its own by 14-21 days. Treatment is directed at controlling the itching. You may take oral antihistaminics like Benadryl or zyrtec. Also apply calamine lotion as it has a soothing effect on the skin. You can apply OTC steroid cream but it is only helpful if applied right away, before blisters appear, or much later, when the blisters have dried up. Compresses with cool water or Burrow’s solution (available without prescription) can help dry the ooze faster.

Severe cases may need oral steroids. But they are available only on prescription. So if the symptoms become severe then please consult a dermatologist.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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