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Hate these hives!

I have had hives so bad for 6 months I am mentally losing it. I have been on prednizone, benadryl, claritin, attirax, antifungal creams, steroid creams etc. I was just diagnosed with fibromalgia but can't take the medications that help it (too drowsy and cant concentrate at work). I have had several blood panels drawn ANA, Uticaria only to have one thing come back high is inflamation.  Not sur what the means or if it has anything to do with hives but can no take another day like this. They are definately worse at night. Any suggestions?
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
Were you checked for rheumatoid arthritis?
That can cause hives, inflammation and fatigue.

High ESR levels are found in auto immune problems like rheumatoid arthritis.
Ask your doctor to check you for that if he hasn't already.
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My urticaria and ANA panel was negative except mohegan ESR which was above the Hugh end 0-20 mine 23 I guess it shows inflammation but my primary doesn't have a clue.  I can't stand another night of itching. I itch unti I  bleed. Prednisone has helped but once i stopped taper the hiveams came back. DERMATOLOGIST OR  ALLERGIST DONT KNOW whats causing them.Rheumatoid doctor says I have fibromyalgia but doesn't know why hives. Feel like Crap and can't take much more of feeling itchy and fatigued.
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209987 tn?1451935465
Wow! Sorry to hear of your plight.
Allergies are so disabling...and those that don't suffer can't imagine what we, as sufferers go through.

Something has been lost in translation...sorry. Did you mean to say that they diagnosed you as having Uticaria? Or that came back negative?
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