943601 tn?1245484695

Henoch Scholein Purpura

Last month, I am a diabetic and was diagnosed with HSP. I now taking very high doses of predisone 60mg bid. This dosage has been reduced to 50mg bit. I am finely down to 40mg bid. I am very concerned about damage to my week kidneys due to the very high blood glucose levels > 400 at times. I have been controlling it with a sliding scale using Humalog Quick Pen. How fast does the ill-reversable damage set in? My medicine has been change from enailapril to coreg. Biopsity shows nothing.  
2 Responses
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You need to consult a good diabetologist. Blood sugar shooting beyond 400mg/dl is dangerous. Rather than going for a sliding scale rule, let your diabetologist decide the dose of insulin which you need.
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1037367 tn?1267134141
Hi,  I have a 5 year old son who was diagnosed with HSP and I found it to be so terrifying!  I began doing a lot of research when they started treating him with prednisone.  I found a company that has patented glyconutrients which get the cells in the body back to communicating properly with each other.  They have a full line of 100% plant/food based nutrients which actually give the body the nutrtion it needs to heal ITSELF!  This made a lot of sense to me as autoimmune disorders are caused by our cells attacking themselves.  He is fine now, but I have kept him on the nutrients and started everyone else in the family on them.  I am so thankful to have found them and would like to help others with this condition.  The glyconutrients are very helpful for diabetes, lupus, MS....Keep me posted as to how you are doing?  Sandriana
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