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Hives and flu shot

I was recently diognosed with hives. I had symtoms the following day after recieving a flu shot. Do you think the flu shot caused the hives?
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I developed terrible hives from base of my neck to my tail bone directly along my spine. After a few hours of sleeplessness and itching I remembered a remedy I used after being swarmed and attacked by wasps two summers ago - baking soda and vinegar soaked paper towels. My husband laid them all the way down my back and I took two benadryll and finally fell asleep. The itching stopped and hives subsided some, but I feel my skin still activate somehow.

I am almost without a doubt this was caused by my flu shot earlier that day. I learned of an egg-whites allergy about 10 years ago, after which I stopped and slowly reintroduced into my diet. I've had no problems since, and as well, no such side effects in the past two years of receiving the flu shot. Flu shots are required in health authority employment. This year, I advised the nurse of my previous egg-white allergy but he said since I've had no reactions the past years, I should be fine.

Well, the hives have subsided thanks to the home remedy but I still feel the after effects today, two days later, of sensitive and slightly burning skin. I'm concerned about what has happened and might continue to happen, based on many posts who are still battling the hives. I will not be receiving the flu shot next year even if I must change jobs. I was also recommended to administer the flu shot to my son who has an autoimmune disease and I will definitely not be doing that. I believe it will only complicate matters. My son is mainly the reason I continue getting the flu shot. If there is a lesson, here, it's that I need to be more informed on what exactly is in this vaccine and what may have changed this year. Look forward to hearing more... Following...
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I did not recd flu shot and of course got really sick last year.  I decided to get flu shot and dealt with chills a few days after the shot.  Now its been approximately 10 days have shot and have hives under my arms, stomach area and upper thighs.  I attended pancreatic cancer vigil last night and a survivor told me her symptoms for this type was cancer was itching all over her body.  I started thinking about it and thought of the flu shot and here I am discovering this hives reaction is common.  I recd a monthly shot for dust mites and will bring up this issue to my allergy doctor but don't want to take more drugs to control it.  Also a nurse that specializes in dementia told me Benadryl is horrible for the brain and does not take it at all.  That got my attention and I wanted to post it for all users that posted they use it a lot.  I may try the peppermint tea deal but hope the hives go away, I have recd flu shot in past years but never a reaction like hives, I am not allergic to eggs.
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I recently had the high dose flu vaccine since I am 68 y.o.  70 hrs. Later, I had itchy palms that quickly progressed to full blown hives.  Immed. Took Benadryl every 4-6 hrs. & each time a dose wore off the hives returned.  This continued for 3 days & then I saw my family doctor to see what I had reacted to the last time I had hives...about 2 yrs. prior.  Was informed it was the seasonal flu vaccine.  Last year I had the shingles but no flu vaccine & only had a local reaction at the injection site & in January of this year had the pneumonia vaccine & no reaction.  I am wondering if there is a different preservative or do I react to the active ingredient/killed virus?  I have absolutely no allergy to eggs.  Guess I won't get another flu shot.
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In December of 2012 at 32 years old I received a flu shot for the first time. The very next day I experienced facial swelling and a day after that I was covered in hives. The swelling has gotten so bad that on 2 occasions I had to go to the ER. Today is 11/21/13 and it's been about 6 months or so since I have had any severe symptoms.(although the hives have never completely gone away) My allergist put me on hydroxyzine, ceterizine, and montelukast which I took until a few months ago and I believed it helped. Now I just take benadryyl before bed and like I said I haven't had any severe breakouts. I am convinced it was the flu shot that triggered this and have seen that this subject has very little consensus among the medical community. I have medical records and photographs documenting my case so if anybody is collecting data on this subject please let me know. Thanks
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I had my flu shot a month ago with resulting hives and itching.   The hives disappeared within a few days but the itching continues intermittantly.   I have seen an internist and a general practice doctor with only the suggestion of taking an antihistamine which unfortunately disagrees with my system.    Any suggestions.   I do not want this to become a chronic problem.
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Less than 24 hours after my 10 year old got the flu shot, she's have hives everyday for 3 weeks now, mostly on her back and stomach. Some of them are 3" across. We went to the pediatrician she is on 25 mg of hydroxyzine, which really seems to stop the hove, but we tried to take her off and 24 hours later the hives are back. I'm convinced the hives came from the flu shot  
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