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Hives and flu shot

I was recently diognosed with hives. I had symtoms the following day after recieving a flu shot. Do you think the flu shot caused the hives?
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I had taken the flu mist for five years before getting itchy palms, head and the install full blown hives within 48 hours of getting the flu mist in September 2011. They are now - a little more than a year later - starting to be less, both in intensity and in frequency. Thank God they seem like they are finally going away! Zyrtec in the morning and a Benadryl at night helped me get though it.
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I wanted to write an update on myself. After receiving the flu mist in September 2011, I had daily hives for about 14 months...until around November 2012. Now it is end of January 2013, and they mostly flare up once or twice per month. It's like they are finally fading! A hellish year plus more...I will never take a flu shot/mist again and am grateful I wasn't left paralyzed or with other problems. Scary stuff! MedImmune (the maker of flutist) seemed surprised the hives lasted so long - that they did not have any other long-term hive reports like mine. Bull! I'm sure many have had chronic hives after taking that product - people need to know that immunizing is important for societal health & that I think most should vaccinate - but go into it understanding that bad, life changing reactions do happen to normal, healthy individuals, such as me.
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I got severe hives 5 days after I got my flu shots this year. This is my 3rd time taking flu-shots in 4 years and never had any allergic reaction before...Again, pharmacy, doctor all denied that it was due to flu-shots, but knowing me (an my body), I was never allergic to anything. Benedryl, Allegra did help, but I needed prescription (metho....) that my doc prescribed to be cured.

Will think twice OR may never get another flu shot.
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I got my flu shot at riteaid, where did y'all get yours?
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Do you know what can cure this post flu shot misery now? Pls revert to ***@**** anybody? Need help urgently.
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My son got the flu shot Dec of 2010 and started with the chronic hives one week to the day. We visited many doctors and all denied the flu shot was the culprit and no one can tell us when this will go away! He takes 2 zyrtec and benedryl at night. If he misses a dose his eyes and lips swell up and he is covered head to toe. It's annoying that I know what caused this but no one will own up to it.
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