4477719 tn?1355188618

Hives and nerve pain

2 weeks ago I broke out in hives and have ruled out the usual suspects food,laundry soap,medications.I break out after my showers mainly it just the redness not so much the itching they will usually dissapear through out the day unless something touches my skin the the redness and some itching come back. They seem to get worse at night more itching. The interesting part is that I have a spot on my back under my right shoulder blade that is very sensative to the touch and painful at times I'm not sure if it could be an irritated nerve its most painful after doing anything physical work,shoveling snow,cleaning. I'm just looking for some direction to take to help solve this issue.
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How are you? What other symptoms are present? If this is triggered after your shower, this could be due to aquagenic urticaria. This presents with itchy white or red lumps that occur after direct contact with water, regardless of its temperature. It more commonly affects women and  may occur alone or in association with other forms of urticaria. Antihistamine medications may help provide relief.  Unfortunately, the cause  is unknown.  (ref: http://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/GARD/QnASelected.aspx?diseaseID=10901)
If it persists, it is best that you have this checked by your doctor or be referred to a dermatologist. Take care and do keep us posted.
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4477719 tn?1355188618
I'm doing better I did revisit my doctor he gave me Zantac which has helped alot. I'm having alot less itching and breakouts and we both think stress has been the cause. Thank for responding to my concern it is always nice to get some helpful information.
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