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I inhaled asbestos and silica for two days

As a DIYer, I removed a decades upon decades old layer of tile from the basement floor for about 9 hours, with very little ventilation and no mask.  I did the same thing the next day while mixing floor leveling compound and inhaling the dust. My throat and nasal passages started feeling dry and irritated, and I started reading about what asbestos and silica is capable of, and started to panic. Needless to say, i will be going over there with a mask now.  Im just wondering what I should do, if im overworrying, or if there are ways i can better clear my lungs now.  Am I being too panicky?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey JayJayMocking.
Welcome to the forum.

For starters I would suggest a complete body cleansing.
Liver, lungs, lymphatic,kidney, skin and colon.
Ideally you should see a naturopathic doctor for this.
The protocol is quite a bit involving, and I wouldn't recommend
you try it on your own.
Should time and money be a consideration, then the next acceptable option
would be, to  purchase a kit such as "CleanseSmart"
and follow the instructions very carefully.
It is inexpensive - I bought mine from amazon- and simple to do.
Be aware that you may experience some symptoms,
as this is part of the detoxification process.
Many people usually feel those symptoms after the first week.

For long term prevention and enhanced health, check out:
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO)
It is by far, the single most healthy food item one can ingest.
Some of its beneficial properties are: Anti-fungal, Anti-Parasitic, Anti-microbial,
Anti-Viral, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Protozoic, increases thermogenesis ( metabolic booster),
does not get stored as fat (used for energy), remains stable at high temperatures
(excellent for cooking) so it does not result in free radical formation in your body( you will get that from cooking oils, which leads to inflammation and eventually disease).
Please take time to research this.  coconutresearchcenter.com
There might be some  scarring internally, on the throat and the lungs,
from the asbestos fibre particles.
A gargle with a mix of warm filtered water and coconut oil
would be helpful. The coconut oil will speed up the healing
on the throat tissue.   Ingestion of coconut oil would help with
the scarred lung tissue. Just ease into it gradually, starting with
2T daily (total).

My 3rd recommendation would be : MGN-3 ® Arabinoxylan Compound.
This supplement is supposed to be the most powerful immunomodulator
ever been tested. I've read some of the research - there's a lot of research
on this-and it has been in clinical use for a number of years.
It holds a lot of promise.
As this is a rather expensive option, please do your own research on this,
to establish its potential benefits to you.
I personally have no direct experience with  this supplement.
Your exposure may not have any short term health consequences,
however,  in the longer term it is extremely difficult to prognose.

Should your bleeding persist, you should see your Doctor.

I hope this information helps you.
Please do your own thorough research or consult with your Health care Professional,
before making any decisions about your health.


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