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Pollen Allergies and Increased Heart Rate

Hello, I am a 14 year old female and I have pollen allergies at the moment. I was at school with my hit chocolate and coffee roll from dunks and I felt fine. I couldn't taste it of course but it helped soothe my cough. My heart rate is usually resting between 90-100 bpms all the time and I don't know if that is normal. I use a Samsung health app to determine it. I sat down and I couldn't breathe. My chest was tight and felt dizzy. I used the app and it said 120 non. So u went to the nurse she said everything was fine, my lungs didn't sound bad, it's just my heart rate was high. She gave me black coffee and stuff so I could breathe (works wonders!) And I went home. I'm still very very nervous about it and wondering if it's normal for your heart rate to increase with a right feeling in your chest from pollen allergies. As I said, my normal heart rate (i hope is normal) is 90, 98, to sometimes 100 bpm when resting/sitting. I do have asthma and anxiety. Would appreciate a answer to calm my worries!!
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