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please help anyone

My dad is 51 years old. He always had common allergies such as to walnuts, but over the past several years however he has developed allergies to practically everything. It started with certain meats and vegetables that would cause his esophagus to spasm to the point that he vomits and cannot breath. He has tried a variety of medicines but nothing seems to help and the allergies are getting worse. Now he is allergic to many different foods and many times the order in which he eats the food determines whether he will have an attack. He has noticed now that drinking milk when he feels an attack coming will help but it doesn’t always. He has been tested by many allergists for different diseases such as EE, but now doctors are simply telling him they don’t know and can’t help him. Please if anyone has any insight let me know.
2 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075

Also, sometimes when things spiral out of control, your body begins to react to everything.  It just cannot handle what's happening to the immune system.  Sometimes a dr will recommend a total food elimination diet and slowly putting foods back ever 3-5 days and wait for reaction.  This way your body has time to relax from the heightened allergenic state it's in and accept foods that there may be no true allergy to but an intolerance.

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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi and welcome to the forum.

1. Have him do the Pulse Test. (Dr. Coca's Pulse Test-Public Domain-free download)
2. Digestive and G.I issues are highly suspect. Suggest rotation diet protocol.
3  Saliva test for Candida Albicans. Just do a search.
4. Gastric acid self test. Use betain HCL. Do a search for that.
5 Also checkout Hiatal Hernia. Look for symptoms that match his.
5. Once you have the results let me know. Post at the Alternative Therapies or message directly to me.

Blessings to you and your family
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