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Itchy Skin, Rash, Bruising


Recently I developed these little bumps on my body that are incredibly itchy.  The first one I noticed was on my wrist and it looked like a little bug bite.  I got this when I was on vacation in Maui and I thought it was just a bug bite because it was itchy. When I came home I started to get these bumps on the top and inside of my thighs.  They have been so itchy that it keeps me up at night and I can't sleep.  First they look like little red bumps, almost like pimples or bug bites, then it develops into a red splotchy rash.  Then it bruises, I guess from me itching so much.  I have a huge purple bruise on the top of my right thigh and one is starting to develop on the inside of my left thigh.  Now I have the itchy red bumps on my wrist and hand, my arms, my foot, my stomach, and a few on my buttocks.  They are scattered and small so it's not very noticeable but it is so annoying and I'm starting to worry.  I have never had any allergies or anything like this before.  I'm not sure if it's just because my skin is really dry or the change from one extreme climate to the next- I was in Maui for a week where it was obviously very warm and then I got home to the midwest where it was freezing.  Right when I got home from the trip is when this problem started to happen.  I do have a doctor's appointment in a week but it's been so frustrating I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions- Thanks!!
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By the way the preceding occurred about three years ago.
  In June of 2015 - it appeared again - all over both arms, chest and neck.
But this time I did not go in the yard or even had the time to sit outdoors as I'm going to College full time - when I get home - I study until Midnight!

   Do you think I will go to a Dermatologist ? Just went to my Family Doctor for guidance. Reviewed with Him my past experience. Invariably I have discovered - skin conditions are a medical mystery!

I do not wear tight clothes. Shower every day. Do not use perfumed soaps. perfumes or lotions. I wear cotton clothing. Have tried, as before, several types of Topical as Dermatologists, Doctors and Pharmacists would prescribe. My condition seems very similar to the thousands of people posting on the Internet.

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You would think or believe - we are in the year 2015 That many people had these issues  AND remedies would be known and available on the Internet. Why so many complaints WITH NO CURES POSTED!!!

  I had an itchy condition on my arms and chest. If I scratched it spread.
Went to a fancy Dermatologists office my Husband had to address sternly for my to get in as they classified people seeking BOTOX and facelifts as more important than someone with a significant skin condition!
  We theorized to them we thought it was from a plant or insect working in the garden. Several Doctors were involved - examining; performed a Biopsy. Then called Me in to give the results as follows:
They repeated "We are not sure what it is - more than likely caused by a plant or insect !" We paid a lot of money for nothing. What is even more surprising is from their perspective they actually felt they successfully treated me! They gave no instructions or remedies - but their 'assumption' a guess anyone could have rendered!
  IMO - Dermatologists are a FRAUD! At least here in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  What??!!! You do not like what I 'say here' - then, If you are a Dermatologist - HELP US!!!
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I have what appears to be the same thing.  Dr. prescribed a steroid creame.  Didn't help.  Started using Ivory bath soap, Tide Free for washing clothes, no fabric softener, and no drier sheet softeners and stopped using my shampoo.
Rash cleared up, but left ugly red bruise marks.  Started using the items I stopped one at a time.  Rash re-appeared when starting the shampoo.  The bite looking pimples started in my scalp.  Evidently the shampoo was causing it.  I was using Suave 3-in-1 citrus rush.
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Same as you guys. Dr. Thought it was allergies. It's like a thousand prickly things are after you. Has anybody contacted the ID people? I think there are enough of us that some body should be looking in to this..
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I was bit by a flea and had an allergic reaction to it. Big blisters which I accidently burst one and caused myself Cellulitis in the extreme. It got into my bloodstream, but the er doctors saved me from it. Now I have small blisters mostly on my hands and arms which my allergist says is Eczema. I have become allergic to several things at once and it all has taken from my quality of life. Now if anything presses against my skin even barely I bruise really bad. The doctors won't do anything else for me. They get short with me and treat me badly. I just have to deal with it the best I can and hope it finally works itself out. Allergist won't give me allergy shots either. So far it's been 5 Months. I pray for you all.
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I don't believe I have eczema. I only get a rash if I itch the driving freaking crazy poking feeling. It woke me up last night. I just feel like there is a bug biting me over and over again in the same spot. I wanna cut my arm open and kill the mother freaker. Dam doctors at Kaiser is really starting to **** me off. There is no rash unless I itch the poking feeling
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