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Itchy Tongue - undiagnosed in child

My 7 year old daughter is suffering from an extremely itchy tongue on and off for 2 years. The doctors are calling her a "medical mystery." She has been to a dentist, an oral surgeon, 2 allergists (one being the Chief of Allergy at Children's Hosp in Boston). No one can find any reason for this problem. The allergists say that they have never heard of a person that has only an itchy tongue with no other complaints. All her skin allergy tests were negatives upon both visits one year apart. We have tried benadryl, zyrtec, flovent. The PCP is thinking perhaps it is Oral Allergy syndrome, but also feels that it is not a typical case because she tested negative for the common allergens associated with this syndrome. Next week we are seeing an ENT. It comes and goes and seems to be gone all winter. We also tried keeping a food diary for a while but found no consistencies there. She has undergone two sets of blood tests and all is okay there. She cries a lot and is misery. When she is suffering, she scratches her tongue using her teeth which then creates white sores on her tongue. Nothing helps and no one has been able to diagnose the problem. My husband and I are heartbroken. We don't know how to help her. She often says she wishes someone would just remove her tongue.

If you have any information, please pass it on to me.
Thank you so much!
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153783 tn?1314297724
I know with my son has something the doctors called Geographic map ... sounds funny I know but his tongue looked like a raised map and it was itchy and white and red, now I did find that when he ate anything with acid in it like oranges or orange juice,pineapple, strawberries ect..... this map would form on his tongue. He would tell me his tongue would be very itchy and at points painful depending on how much he ate of it. Im not sure if this is the same thing or not but he has had it since he started eating solids and he is now 15 and still gets it, he just tries to stay away from stuff with high acid content in it. He doesnt get hives or any other reactions other than his tongue acting funny.

I hope you find out what it is and good luck I know its no fun, maybe someone else might on here might be able to help.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Sometimes environmental, diurnal and temperature variations can trigger attacks. These are difficult to avoid, but you could be aware and protect her if they are the causative factors. Also, check out for any vitamin deficiencies.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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