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New to allergies ...

So I think I have allergies. I have an appt on Thurs with an ENT.
To start: when I was younger (I'm 28 now) I had several ear problems, I had infections all the time and they had pondered on putting tubes in but never did and apparently I grew out of that problem.
Now for the past few years I've been dealing with an ear issues where it'll pop and sometimes I'll hear my voice echo in my head (hard to explain lol) and I get stuffy and feel like I'm coming down with a cold but it never becomes a full blown cold, usually just stays in my nose and I get a throbbing head, some dizziness and sometimes my face will hurt a little under my eyes (by my cheek bones) ... going on 3 weeks now of waking up with phelgm in my throat, hacking it up, and now I'm suffed but there is nothing in there yet I still can't breathe. My head feels HUGE and I'm still dealing with a bit of dizziness. I've been dealing with dizziness on and off for awhile and chalked it up to anxiety but now I'm not sure. I've been trying Claritin on/off but it's not helping much.

What should I expec at the ENT appt?
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168348 tn?1379357075

I've never been to an ENT in recent years.  As I kid I had awful allergies but outgrew them as an adult .. hoping others will stop by with some info!  WELCOME you are in the right spot


do stop by and ask your ? at our health chat !


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Hello and welcome to the community.

The visit may start with auditory evaluation (hearing test) and a tempanogram.  

The ENT should look in your nose with a scope (it may be a rigid or it could be a fiber-optic flexible wire one) to get a really good view of what is going on.  He/she will spray a decongestant in your nose first, then wait a few minutes before proceding with the scope.  It really doesn't hurt but can be uncomfortable.  Well, it does hurt on the side I have a deviated septum  lol....  I don't let them scope my throat through that side anymore.  They should also want a view of the throat opening of the eustacian tubes since you are having dizziness and other ear symptoms.  

Personally, I would recommend that you try Zyrtec instead of Claritin and that you take it consistantly at the same time for several weeks.  Zyrtec seems to be stronger than Claritin and is a third generation antihistamine as opposed to a second generation like Claritin.  

The ENT may also recommend sinus irrigation (nasal rinses) with either a netti pot or a rinse bottle.  Personally, I prefer the bottle as the netti pot requires the user to be a bit of a contortionist to use properly.  It hurt my back.   I startred having major allergy issues three years ago and start the sinus rinses then.  It is the single most effecive and MUST do of my treatment plan.  

I hope that helps you some.

Please let us know how your appointment goes.

Take care and God bless.
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