5025679 tn?1363541501

Nothing is helping. Not sure if this is allergy related.

I have seen THREE doctors in the past 2 weeks concerning my tongue and left ear pain/congestion that comes and goes throughout the day and I have had the ear congestion for months... I got used to it. 3 weeks ago my tongue started having this burning/tingling sensation that got worse as the day went on. so my dentist put me on prednisone. after day 4 the burning went away but the tingling was constant. like pins and needles in my mouth and roof of my mouth when i push my tongue up on the roof of my mouth there was pressure (like sinus i assume) so my doctor said i did NOT have thrush. all doctors said this. even though there is always this thick coating on the back of my tongue and it feels like wool all the time. by the afternoon and evening whatever i eat it's hard to swallow and it feels like my tongue is swelling in the back of my throat. my mouth feels sticky and like this film all on the roof i can't explain. it's horrible. i drink water constantly. i am currently taking prilosec twice a day because i have a small hernia by my belly button, not sure if that is the culprit? i do NOT get a heart burn feeling at all, but I do belch often after i eat and i eat small amounts throughout the day. i tried keeping a track of what foods i'm eating that makes my throat more dry and scratchy and like a swelling sensation as if something is stuck down there. but last night it happened with ANYTHING i ate. so i'm so frustrated and confused and i am afraid to eat anything now. i take allergy meds, starting zyrtec D today and i take benedryl at night ONLY because it calms me down and helps me sleep. i know anxiety makes this condition worse. but there IS a condition here. and it's only getting worse with my tongue and back throat. i also thought TMJ but my bite doesn't feel off and i can chew fine. it's only left ear and in the morning it's not bad at all, i can barely feel congestion.. as the day goes on and in the evening it feels like i am dying of some fungal infection in my mouth and ear, EVERY night. i started rinsing with biotene 4x a day just to get some relief from the wool feeling in my mouth. i changed toothpastes (dentist recommended that) nothing changed. all doctors said my tongue looks fine and it blows my mind. just because it's not thrush doesn't mean everything is ok. my mouth shouldn't feel like wool and sticky and swollen in the back of my throat. food allergies/sensitivities i have thought about, but it seems to happen with anything i eat as the day goes on. and that coating gets worse, so i try to brush it off with a tongue brush (gently) and tongue foam. i have asked family if i have bad breath and they all said no. i'm going insane with this! if anyone can share their thoughts i would greatly appreciate it. i only get 2 more visits with my doc for the rest of the year and the year just started. :-/

started nasonex a week ago, stopping today as it is not helping imo.
starting zyrtec D today
still on prednisone for a few more days
sudafed Pe or benedryl at night along with melatonin to help me sleep
2 Responses
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5025679 tn?1363541501
I take a probiotic every day and eat greek yogurt every day. I workout 5 days a week. I use dry mouth type of mouth wash, I just bought ACT. I wish I liked green tea but I do not like it at all. I like black tea and I do have a diet pepsi every day (that is my JOY!!) I don't think it's the soda or really what I'm eating because I can eat the same thing in the morning and have no problems but in the evening it aggravates my tongue and throat more. It's hard to explain. The roof of my mouth tingles and when I push my tongue into it there is a lot of pressure above it. I am starting Zyrtec D tomorrow. I really hope that helps. I stopped the nasonex today. I don't know if this is a GERD problem. Do belly button hernias cause that? Mine is small and I am always pushing it back in. Is it ok to push it back in?
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Start a probiotic.  Cut way back on your sugar and simple carb intake.  No fast food.   Eat vegetables, lean meat.  Go low-carb for 3 weeks.  No soda, no fruit juice as there is too much sugar.  You can get some neem mouthwash or tea tree mouthwash.  Drink unsweetened green tea.  

Start Metamucil.  The capsules work well.  You think it's just for constipation or maybe you know it's also used to lower cholesterol, but it also stops acid splashing in your stomach.  

You can feel better.  
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