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Pins and needle feeling in different areas of body

For the past couple of months, I have been experiencing feeling of pins and needles on different areas of body.  It does not feel like when your hand or leg falls asleep, but instead like someone taking a needle and just pinching you with it.  It can be in my arms, legs, stomach, hands, anywhere.  When it happens I feel like I need to scratch it or rub it.  I'm very concerned because I don't know if it is pinched nerves, allergy or something else.  It does not happen everyday but happening more and more.  Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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Hi, all im a teenager probably turning 18 now i had from since i can remember i relised that it activates when my body's temprature changes from cold to hot but not in hot to cold but still i get this feeling in winters only i hadn't had any kind of checks on me(coz im afraid of injections and kinda surjery's etc) but i was told by someone that it is also affected by by our hygine like whenever we apply anything on our body it forms a coating and coating consisted of particles collected on my skin veins or from those tiny spores present on our skin from whick the sweat comes out,so when we do anythinglike(running,playing etc) whatever that makes our body temprature to go up,then sweat comes but due to the particles present on our vessels or spores the sweat has no space to come out so it pushes those particles in order to come out thats why it only happens during the starting of the play like one time and if i continue there is everything normal nothing after that i also happen to have very dry skin that could be a problem too i have tried it like when when i have a lot of sex or of sit under dorect sunlight...
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I can answer any questions if any of you want ;)
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Ive had this most of my life.. for me anyway it has been a cold allergy that activates with temperature change.. took me a while to understand that I only had symptoms in the winter. My cure? Hot showers and regular workouts.. and do your best to never feel cold.. the first time you really go for a hot shower or workout.. get ready for the pain, but thats a good feeling for me now as I understand that when I get those pin pricks, if you ride it out, is basically the cure for this. Its a constant issue but I hardly think about it anymore.
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I have the exact same condition in exact same case. When my body become suddenly hot or just at the onset of sweat. e.g. when I bathe with hot water, having sex etc.
I dont have diabities (my grandma had) but I was diagnosed with anxiety once (off meds now)
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Hi folks,
I fully understand the symptoms you're having. I had it more than 20 years ago. At that time, the allergist did a skin prick test and realized it was due to dust and mites. I took five shots in a week and I never felt anything again. Until now... 20 years later and I am having this intense pins and needles feeling all over my body again. I usually feel it at very specific times of the day:
1. as soon as I wake up in the morning
2. when I walk for 5 minutes going to work
3. when I walk for 5 minutes going back home
4. after running for 5 minutes at the gym, but then it goes away when I intensify the exercise. It seems that the body adjust to it but I strugle to tolerate the pain.

I visited an allergist two weeks ago and he prescribed cetirizine. He said it's dermographism and the skin prick test didn't identify anything this time. Not even mold and dust, as it was the case 20 years ago. Although scenarios 1 and 2 above are no longer happening, I am experiencing the symptoms other times during the day. Very minor, though. I am going to wait a few more weeks on cetirizine and then ask for the shots that cured me 20 years ago.  Has anyone got any help?

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Oh man...its terrible...very hard to resist...think if you are in a meeting and it starts bothering you ?? happened to me :(
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