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Pins and needle feeling in different areas of body

For the past couple of months, I have been experiencing feeling of pins and needles on different areas of body.  It does not feel like when your hand or leg falls asleep, but instead like someone taking a needle and just pinching you with it.  It can be in my arms, legs, stomach, hands, anywhere.  When it happens I feel like I need to scratch it or rub it.  I'm very concerned because I don't know if it is pinched nerves, allergy or something else.  It does not happen everyday but happening more and more.  Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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Why don't u have your THYROID levels checked? It may help. Take care!
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Did u have your THYROID levels checked??? I have this kind of problem n my Endocrinologist says Its the sudden change in my thyroid supplement. I am a Hypothyroid patient. If u haven't done already please see an Endocrinologist n have ur thyroid checks done! Get well soon. I know how bad the condition is. :(
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I am having the same problem.  Have you had any luck with diagnosis or relief?

I can be reached at:  ***@****

Please let me know I am going crazy.

the beaker
York, PA
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2 days ago I started having pin & needle sensations all over my body. They are present all the time, they do not go away. I am kind of desperate. I do not know what to do or which kind of doctor to go to.
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I think the sensation of pins and needles could be due to lack of circulation and lack of oxygen.  If we sit a lot during the day, or living a sedentary life, or being a couch potato, then we need to be more active.  Please check the blood pressure.  Anxiety , stress could cause hives, allergy, so try deep breathing a few times a day to bring more oxygen to the system.  Also, please drink plenty of water per day to cool down the body and to cleanse the toxin in the system.  Eating dark green vegetables at least three or four times a week, such as, broccoli, the stems are full of vitamin C, kale, Chinese broccoli, mustard green, bok choy, etc...  The green lettuce in hamburger, or in salad is not enough, we need to eat more varieties of dark green vegetables to have good bowel movement to cleanse the toxin in the body.  We seem to be low in Vit D since we stay indoor often and we don't eat or drink enough Calcium plus D or D3 food.  On top of that, some of us consume caffeinated drinks, soda drinks so we lose lots of minerals daily.  As we get older. we need to exercise each muscle just to feel fine and to defy gravity that causes sagging, muscular atrophy if not being active, wrinkling of the skin, etc....  Do yoga or go swimming to feel refresh, and whatever we do, try to breathe deeply and longer to condition our lungs to be flexible, and to get a lot more oxygen in each breath.  Pay attention to our weigh because the extra weigh would put more stress on our joints, knees, hips, and causing blockage, hence more pain for us to suffer.  Massage and reflexology help to undo blockage in our bodies, but we still need to exercise to condition, to tone up our bodies, to eat healthy and get the right nutrients and minerals for our system..
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yes, lack of movement might have cause all these problems.i seat for long time,but i have started workout recently and feeling much better.i think poor blood circulation warns our body that we might doing something wrong sending signals like pain and sensations.our body needs enough oxygen to carry out it's job.i really not very fond of taking med for pain or discomfort, instead, i try to figure out what might have gone wrong and whether it is fixable like changing diet or lifestyle.
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Me too.

Had an allergy to computer systems removed by body talk therapy in June 2010. Had the prickly feelings for a number of years.

As soon as the cold weather came (Canada 0 to 25 below) the symptoms returned, with a vengeance. Allergy to cold. Not sure

Lots of static over the body; headaches, loss of energy, and loss of sleep because it's impossible to fall asleep without 600 mg of Ibuprofen.

Getting close to Jesus, for sure.

I'm looking at Neuropathy, vit B12 and vit D.

Please, please notify me if anyone makes a connection with allergy, cold weather and deficiencies.

Stay tuned.
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