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Possible sinus infection???

I have been feeling somewhat dizzy and having headaches underneath my eyes and across the middle of my forehead, I also have had a very stuffy nose. Are these symptoms of a sinus infection or allergies?
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You could be having sinusitis or rhinitis. Do you have associated symptoms of cough, wheeze, breathlessness, post nasal drip etc?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications for your complaints and see if it helps with the symptoms.

You should see your doctor and get a clinical examination for a diagnosis and to evaluate if any investigations are required including blood tests, chest xray and CT scan of the sinuses.

Are you allergic to any specific substances or have had allergic reactions in the past?

You could read the following link -


Let us now about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.


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563773 tn?1374246539

The symptoms that you are having are due to sinusitis. (Inflammation of the air cavities within the passages of the nose (paranasal sinuses) is referred to as sinusitis).

The golden rule for chronic stuffy nose is steam inhalation. Inhaling steam from a bowl of hot (but not boiling water) may help to soften, and loosen, the build up of mucus in your nose.
Use an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant combined with an anti-inflammatory analgesic (pain reliever) like Ibuprofen. However, you should not use decongestants for more than 5-7 days at a time. Avoid indigestible, spicy, foods and meats. Eat simply of wholesome food. Obtain needed out-of-door exercise, sunbaths, and swimming. It can also be treated using an antihistamine nasal spray. Antihistamine like benadryl works by blocking your immune system's response to the allergen.

Symptoms can also be relieved by using a nasal spray that contains corticosteroids. Corticosteroids work by helping to reduce inflammation and congestion.If the sinusitis is bacterial tehn the symptoms persist for long(>7days) and do not respond to over-the-counter nasal medications.For bacterial sinusitis,antibiotics like amoxicillin,cefaclor,clarithromycin or augmentin may be needed.They are available on prescription.So you have to consult an ENT specialist in that case.

Hope it helps.

Take care and regards.

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