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Reactions to certain foods

For the last couple of years, I have noticed that when I eat certain foods, I feel pain/pressure at the base of my skull.  It is a dull ache that seems to center around the very top of my spine and lower brain (cerebellum area?).  It feels like the whole area swells, I feel pressure and pain that lasts several of hours at least.  Anti-inflammatories help somewhat.  I know these aren't symptoms of a food allergy but it occurs within 15-30 minutes after eating specific foods.  I don't feel any other symptoms and my doctor looks puzzled when I bring it up.  Any ideas?
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This situation has a similarity to a condition called gout.  Swelling and pain can occur at joints or along the spine due to a buildup in uric acid.  If the foods that you know to cause this sensation have high protein content, especially seafood, you might want to bring the condition up the next time you see your doctor
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What specific foods case these symptoms? Have you seen an allergy specialist?

Does taking a pain relief medication or doing some neck exercises help with the pain?

Let us know how you are doing now and what does your allergy specialist advise.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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