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Right sided pain and dizziness

I have chronic sinusitis my right eye hurts and hard to see clear and the right side of my head my right cheekmright ear hurts and my neck............im scheduled for surgey on july 9,,,,,,,,,,,,,will sininues that arre bad plugged cause these kinds of symptoms im having.i also fee nervous and depressed seems like i heard sinues and allergies can affect the body in all kinds of ways any advice im scaring my self to death espicailly with how my eye feels..thanks
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Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which may or may not be as a result of infection, from bacterial, fungal, viral, allergic or autoimmune issues. Maxillary sinusitis - can cause pain or pressure in the maxillary (cheek) area (e.g., toothache, headache).
Chronic sinusitis is a complicated spectrum of diseases that share chronic inflammation of the sinuses in common. The causes are multifactorial and may include allergy, environmental factors such as dust or pollution, bacterial infection, or fungus (either allergic, infective, or reactive). Non allergic factors such as Vasomotor rhinitis can also cause chronic sinus problems. Abnormally narrow sinus passages, which can impede drainage from the sinus cavities, can also be a factor.
Symptoms include: Nasal congestion; facial pain; headache; fever; general malaise; thick green or yellow discharge; blurred vision, feeling of facial 'fullness' worsening on bending over; aching teeth.
For chronic or recurring sinusitis, referral to an otolaryngologist may be indicated for more specialist assessment and treatment, which may include nasal surgery.
A number of surgical approaches can be used, either by endoscopy or conventional incision generally through nose or mouth.
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It all started with extreme extreme dizziness, nausea, vomiting to the dry heaves…the dizziness came on suddenly to the point of madness with any type of stimuli, movement, sound, light and so on.  All I could do to stay sane was to hum continuously…went to the Emergency MD DX with Vertigo...after five weeks I am now feeling about 60% still dizzy and lingering visual difficulty…focusing is still difficult especially in the distance....
Then suddenly one day I began to feel right side eye pressure, also around the eye, forehead, ear, jaw, teeth, even the top of my head and neck...still no discharges at all but occasional facial swelling especially noticed in my mouth upper jaw line where my wisdom tooth would have been and very tender to chew.   This may last a day or two at the most changing throughout the day with varying intensity and locations but always on the right side only.
Odd but when I feel the pain and pressure the dizziness seems to lesson...then the pressure and pain disappear so does the dizziness increase.  I think I am crazy...no one seems to know what is going on.  I have never been a hypochondriac but what????  
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Hi ,

I've done tons of research on this subject and here are some ideas, for jaw pain and dizziness, when I was bending down I feel pain in my jaw dizziness, nausea, fatigue blurred vision, heart palpitations ....since the experts cannot figure it out. What do you do?

It is very interesting to note that a guy saw 7 specialist all in the same field and ONE figured out the cause and cured him this saved him from living in living assisted center! My doctor told me if she cannot cure me then I was to fire her and find a doctor that can cure me, She is really right on and very strong person. If someone cannot perform then find someone that can

I think many of you might want to find a dental CAVITATION expert, this is different then a regular dentist , They located hidden jaw bone infection that are leaking infection into your system. Read , Root canal cover up there is also a large support group on line to help you.  Here a just a couple of other ideas, endocrinologist to make sure that your glands or hormonal . Make sure it is not environmental like black mold, food allergies can kill you so make sure to get on an elimination diet and see what happens. ENT doctors basically do this give you antibiotics and steroids, it this fails they turn up the heat more antibiotics stronger one, and if this still fails perhaps surgery . Surgery fails your on your own....then you stop dairy, wheat and sugar, eat salads and fish, seeds and nut. Take high quality probiotics, and move out of the city with too much car emission oair stream , my doctor told me that tons of his patient were sick from living in the city where the air stream from the industrial area was blowing into this pretty nice are where many people lived. He said, many of his patient just moved because they just could no longer take all the health issues, sometimes it is something we are not even thinking about . Also black mold is deadly it can kill you the symptoms are  very extreme and intense dizziness is a big one.  
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Has anyone heard of using distilled water in neti pot with probiotics, and some baking soda to restore the balance and calm the inflammation in the nose, and get the good guys in he probiotics to eliminate the bad guys, It sound like the theory that cures most  people of C diff which is fecal transplantation. There are studies going on regarding the flora balance in the sinuses
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