2065896 tn?1373685384

Runny nose

I have a runny nose 12 months of the year. I take cortisone nose spray and anti histamine tablets to no avail. I have had allergy tests that have come back negative but food allergy tests have come back with a number of food allergies. Could a food allergy cause a runny nose?
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Hi there,

Just read your comments. Could a food allergy cause a runny nose?
Maybe. Whatever the allergy test revealed with regards to various foods
the test suggests you are allergic to, take it seriously. Also I might
reconsider the cortisone nose spray. I just found out recently that cortisone
stays in your system , but it also goes to your heart. Didn't know this
until yesterday. There are other nose sprays that don't contain cortisone.
When did you  have the allergy tests? If it's been more than five years,
you should be retested to see if you have acquired more food allergies
since your last allergy test. I would also tell your doctor you don't want
a cortisone nasal spray and could he or she recommend a nose spray
without cortisone. I wish you well. Eve
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2065896 tn?1373685384
Thanks Eve,
I had food allergy tests done last year but I am afraid I have not kept to the diet. I found it too hard as I am allergice to wheat, milk, & yeast as well as a few others and I got sick of eating corn. I love bread too much and the bread without those ingredients is horrible.
I will speak to Dr. re different nose spray.
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You're very welcome. If your doctor recommended excluding certain foods
from your diet, I would be inclined to listen to him or her. My sister recently
got another doctor. She has three of them for different issues. This new
doctor gave her a number of blood tests. The results were she can't have
any more dairy products, so no milk, no cheese, no icecream, no yogurt.
She has switched to rice milk. She can't have any more tomatoes or
potatoes which are apparently referred to as nightshade. My sister has
a bad rash on her face. As soon as she stopped eating dairy products
her rash has begun to clear up . This new doctor is a specialist. He prescribed some special cream to help clear up the rash. This is my
point. Allergies can get worse over time. If I were you, I would go back
to your doctor or allergist or both. My sister likes bread too, so it's hard.
My sister learned she also cannot have anything with gluten so she
has to have a gluten free diet as well. She found out there is a bread
which is gluten free. I think she googled gluten free bread and discovered
the name of it. Our neighborhood grocery store doesn't sell it but my
sister is planning to go and speak to the store's manager and see if
the manager can order this bread so she can buy it there. I'm pretty
sure you can eat more than just corn. I would ask your family doctor
to help you get a list together of foods you can eat. If you continue to
eat foods you are allergic too, you may experience more symptoms
than just a runny nose which is bothersome enough. Take allergies
seriously. Eve
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2065896 tn?1373685384
Thank you for going to so much trouble to answer my question.
Gluten free bread is so horrible I don't eat it and there lies my problem I think. I will have another go at the diet and rice cakes and see if there is an improvement.
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You're very welcome. It was my pleasure to try to help you. I wish
you well. Eve
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