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Sickness, Tired, Dizzy, Ear Pain

About 9 days ago I suddenly got very tired and dizzy while going about my daily activities. I went to sleep and felt the same way the next day. I was pretty much tired all day and dizzy and was unable to get through the day without having to go to sleep. About four days in to this I began having sharp ear pain once a day for about three seconds. I started getting more exausted as the days passed. I went to the doctor and they have performed multiple blood tests and nothing has come up. I was put on a diertetic to get rid of excess water and pills for dizziness. This has helped somewhat and I felt great yesterday but today I was back feeling dizzy and tired. I'm a student and I have already had to take a week off of school because of this, I'm looking for an answer but the medical testing takes so long its been beyond frustrating. All my blood tests came up clear but Im waiting for results from lymes and a holt monitor. My MRI also came up clear so I'm really at a loss. Any suggestions would be great?
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535822 tn?1443976780
I have heard of this in California and we have had some really bad air with the heat this year also there is info if you research about the chem trails causing folks to get sick, plus some radiation I think our air is poluted ..Do some research you will see what I mean .good luck I have had the same I have also had strange hives and rashes .
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If you have any problems with dizziness, or facial pain that seems to not go away..  This is usually due to a sinus infection.  I get these every year, usually in late summer. This is because the pollen is very high at that time.   Also, please note, you do not have to have a fever to have an infection in your sinuses.  But you will have cheek bone pain, soreness, and sometimes even pain over your eye area,  or forehead.  This condition can also make you very tired,and cause dizziness or ear fullness, and pain. It is a miserable feeling, but it can be resolved.  

If the ear fullness, or pain does not go away after a course of antibiotics, go right away to an ENT.  They will clean out and  lightly "vacumn" your ears, to get rid of hard or excessive ear wax.  It does not hurt, and will usually relieve your symptoms right away.  
If this does not relieve your ear problem(s.)  Get a tube put in your ear.  It is painless, and takes the Doc about 15 minutes.  It will stay in your ear until it falls out in about 8-12 months.  Again, no pain involved.  
This works very well, no more ear pain or pressure, it even gets rid of or helps dizziness.  Which is caused by your ear not draining correctly.  Most people don't know you should get your ears cleaned and checked by an ENT specialiit at least once a year, especially if you have allergies.  Because you will produce a lot more wax than other people who don't suffer from allergies.  

Hope this is of some help to the people on this forum.   I had ear problems for years, until I had to finally go and have my ENT put a tube in one of my ears.  Then, I could not believe the differentce it made in how I felt.   Also depending on your symptoms,  
Some people only have one ear that bothers them, some have both.  So, you don't need a tube in the non affected ear.  Good luck to all..

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I've had ear pain to the point of curling up like a child and crying. I was told by a very educated doc "you have facial neuralgia..took gabapentin until my ankles swelled up, then stopped. Why medicate s/thing that I don't have? Stressed out? Yep, ears will ache too. Now,  ear pain has lessened as I'm sure the pollen count is down.Allergies will make you "so tired" you feel like you have  the flu..I'm feeling v.v. tired ev. day and cannot do much either. Meds are not always the answer, doctors do their best to diagnose but s/times cannot figure our the problem..'SAME WITH ME..
PLEASE TRY THE Neti pot..no meds needed. mucus in your sinus area/allergies. I've had 4 ent doctors, .Mri's,cat scans, neurologists, all opinions say "I'm fine.Every antibi's, sprays for past 1.5yrs. did nothing, I got/get relieft from neti pot/ "bayer aspirin..do it until water is clear,not tap water, purified only, microwave till warm only. Sounds like allergy/sinus related. Water pills will dehydrate..could make you also dizzy..keep drinking fluids. PLEASE GET A NETI POT. Looks complicated to do...but trust me IT'S so easy and you'll get wonderful relief. Go to Neilmed.com for instruction..don't fear you'll choke, won't happen. & you'll be so surprised how much relief you'll get. My grandson uses the neti pot all the time & grdaughter. Quote: Thanks, Gma..I'd be lost w/out it.....'JUST KEEP YOUR MOUTH OPEN WHILE POURING. YOU'LL BE FINE. GOOD LUCK
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