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Sinus pain, pressure, eye watering ear ringing

I am relatively a healthy person. I recently moved into a rental home...and I have been at the home for a few months coming and going to get it ready although the most I stayed is a day. New carpet was placed in a family room and the bedrooms and upstairs hallway and stairs. When we had the ducts cleaned out a few months back the techs told us we had mold on our vents so we had ducts treated for mold....and cleaned. New filters were placed. In our crawlspace, there has been some water seeping on the floor (small amounts) from the concrete walls. We had a mold inspector come out to make sure we don't have a serious mold issue. He feels once the landlord fixes the drainage problems and we dehumidify it will be ok...but he says it is safe. I have had terrible sinus pressure, congestion, tinnitus no sneezing, watery eyes, and headache every day. I saw pcp and he told me I have seasonal allergies. PS, never had them before...and only moved 20 minutes away. I do feel it is something in the house...but not sure what. I am going to see an allergist. My concern is the new carpet. I am ventilating a lot, and vacuum with a new hepa filter vacuum. What could this reaction be???
6 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, you are positive for allergic rhinosinusitis. It is predominantly seen in young adults (20-25 yrs of age). This happens as soon one is exposed to allergen. Hay fever is related to environmental exposure to year-round, usually indoor, allergens such as dust mites, animal danders, and molds.

You need to take Anti histaminic against prescription. Sometimes nasal sprays of corticosteroids are useful. Remember, symptoms can be controlled through medication, but you can't get rid of the allergy itself.

Some measures which will be helpful to you are-
- Treatment of the outside of a house with pyrethroid (pyrithrin) chemicals prior to cold weather is one of the best measures.
- you need to close the windows of the home, stay indoors when possible, and use air conditioners and dehumidifiers to filter the air during times of peak symptoms. It will be particularly helpful, if you are allergic to mold or pollens.
- Showering before bed to remove allergens from hair and skin can help reduce contamination of the bedding.
- Use over the counter nasal saline sprays which will help washout allergens.
- Water leaks should be fixed and swamp coolers should be cleaned periodically.

I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
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Hi Dr. Rajput. Thank you for your response. I appreciate it. I saw the allergist and she said I had a mild case of sinusitis and gave me a cortisone nasal spray. The ringing in my ears are driving me nuts so I saw an ENT today. I'm really scared because he told me that I need to have an MRI of the brain and ears. I guess he's ruling out a tumor or other problem. The ringing of the ears is my main complaint than anything. I still have some watery eyes....and some nasal congestion but not like before. I do wake up with a headache on my forehead every morning, and i can feel sinus pressure. Thanks.
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Hi Dr. Rajput. Thank you for your response. I appreciate it. I saw the allergist and she said I had a mild case of sinusitis and gave me a cortisone nasal spray. The ringing in my ears are driving me nuts so I saw an ENT today. I'm really scared because he told me that I need to have an MRI of the brain and ears. I guess he's ruling out a tumor or other problem. The ringing of the ears is my main complaint than anything. I still have some watery eyes....and some nasal congestion but not like before. I do wake up with a headache on my forehead every morning, and i can feel sinus pressure. Thanks.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Sorry for suffering. I will offer some suggestions
that worked well for me and many others.
But first from a previous post of mine:

"There might be mold behind the walls or another area that cannot be seen.
There are instuments available that measure humidity levels present, inside walls. That would be a sign for mold.  Look into this. No mold level at all should be acceptable!

Other possibilities may be emissions from toxic and offensive materials in the house.
Perhaps from the flooring or carpets or wall paint etc. Have all that checked.
Temporary solution get a good air purifier with a HEPA filter. Use a "Lampe Berger"
that cleans the air, kills bacteria and deodorizes all in one action! Very cheap solution.
And ensure that there's fresh air in the house daily!
Use a dehumidifier in the basement."

Synthetic materials used in the mfg of carpets, toxic chemicals used in paints and other
offensive items in the house, emit potentially dangerous gases.  You could be breathing-
unknowingly- something  that is harming your health.

Baking soda in a bath is a wonderful remedy to use in an emergency detoxification
situation. Add epsom salts in a warm water bath - preferably filtered so there's no chlorine issues- and you have a great option to help your body detox. Use every other day
for 30 minutes.
Preferably you can use Magnesium Chloride flakes-costs more- in your bath, as it is a superior form- to Magnesium Sulfate from Epsom salts-  to deliver  transdermal mg.
And the chloride is necessary for stomach acid production.
Most people are deficient in Mg. The 3rd most important element after oxygen and water!
It is  used in over 400 processes in the body.
For liver-your main detoxifying organ- support and cleansing you can use , ALA, selenium, beetroot juice( I make my own as it is so easy) , turmeric and extra virgin coconut oil (eliminate ALL other cooking oils as they are pro-inflammatory when heated-).   Also lookup "Oil Pulling". I do this daily before breakfast.
Ringing in the ears could be due to Mg or B vitamin deficiency. For vitamin B deficiency, you can take a high quality B complex. (sublingual delivery-liquid drops- is preferable, but costlier)
Other possibilities include poor circulation( lack of oxygen) in the middle brain.
Alkaline diet usually helps with that. I put 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 2T of organic apple cider vinegar in a 500ml glass container and drink it daily - in 3-4 doses- 1h away from meals. ( I had ear issues for years in the past-not any more!)
I do this most of the time. Stay away from artificial sugars! They can be deadly, specially in the brain. Look up TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor.) Eat real and freshly cooked natural and healthy foods, as much as you can. It will make a world of difference!
And stay well hydrated. Drink plenty of filtered water daily in conjuction with the above
suggested remedies.

The brain tumor possibility is probably the rarest, but it's good to have it checked.
Perhaps, if you use the above natural treatments, by the time you MRI is scheduled,
all your symptoms may be cleared!
The  one remedy that works the fastest is the MgCl2 ( magnesium chloride). If you take it orally start with a light solution as it might make your stool loose.
One liter of filtered water mix in 1.5 teaspoon of MgCl2 and take 125ml 3-4 times daily.
Increase  gradually to 3 teaspoons MgCl2 daily, if well tolerated.

Please do your own research first, or check with your health care professional,
before making any decisions regarding your health.

I have used the above suggestions personally and for my friends and family.
Hopefully you will find them useful and get some relief at least.

Please post again, should you have any questions or to give an update.


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I have terrible ringing, hearing problems that have been diagnosed as auto immune ear disease. Have you ever heard of this?  Do you suggest trying the recommendations here as a remedy?  
Thank you
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi mrsfblatt.
You can try some of my aforementioned suggestions as they are safe and non-invasive.
Autoimmune ear disease? Like AIED? Not so common, but not auto-immune to my opinion. just a convenient label for the specialists.
Check your basal temperature 4 consecutive mornings with an old fashioned glass thermometer (in your mouth) -not digital- before rising.
Let me know the readings. In case of an infection, you must wait till you are over it. This is to find out if you meet the 1st and primary criteria for hypothyroid type1 or 2, common with conditions like yours.
The other possibility is that if you have an underlying undetected pathogenic infection-you would know this if you have other "mysterious symptoms"that just appear sporadically, you may need a comprehensive naturopathic protocol to clear this. And this is a complex and long term treatment.
Diagnosing this medically is another issue altogether.
Please let me know more details and your temperature results.
take care.
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