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Sore throat for 3 months

I had a sore throat in April, and the doctor gave me amoxicillin believing i had strept throat, without swabbing. The antibiotics didn't work until day 7 out of 10, and a few days after i finished the antibitocs it came back. A different doctor prescribed me cefaclor which worked after using it for 1 day. When I finished the prescription, a day after i had a sore throat. The doctor prescribed me cefaclor again, and once again  when I finished the prescription, the sore throat came right back. I went to the see the doctor again, and he believes I have an allergy, and told me to use chloraseptic spray. He also swabbed my throat for strept, which came back negative.  There's no way it could be an allergy as my boyfriend has the same problem as me.  The pain varies, and I have white bumps on the back of my tongue. What could I have?
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The symptoms you have could all be because of the upper respiratory tract infection or tonsillitis.

You should try some warm saline gargles and steam inhalation and see if it helps with your symptoms.

'You should take steps to relieve pain and inflammation. Recovery may take a
week or two.

    * Drink warm, soothing liquids — such as soup, broth and tea.
    * Gargle with warm salt water.
    * Take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others)
to help reduce fever and decrease pain.

Consult your doctor so that appropriate antibiotics and other symptomatic treatment can be prescribed.

You could read more about this at the following link -


Let us know how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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I have a runny nose now, but I didn't have a runny nose during the first months. I also had a fever yesterday.
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