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Sphenoid sinus infection, anyone heard of this?

I've been having occupital headaches and facial tingling.  My doc sent me in for a brain MRI.  Everything was normal, except the radiologist noted "EXTENSIVE sphenoid sinus thickening, lesser in frontal region.  Been taking 2000 mg amoxicillin fro 2 weeks, I still have large amounts of drainage.  I have been reading that these areas of thickening can cause very serious problems if not treated.  I'm a little scared, my next step is a ENT.  My question is Can this cause the problems that I am experiencing?  Should I maybe be on stronger antibiotics? Thank you very much.
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I'm in my fifth month of chronic headaches on my right side.  In this time I've been treated for a chronic ear infection which did not respond to antibiotic.  I've been told my ears look fine, but am still experiencing discomfort.  With this, I have severe neck pain with swollen lymph nodes and ear pain.  I've been to several doctors, including an ENT twice.  He said my sinuses looked awful, but were not infected and did not make any correlation between them and my symptoms.  He dismissed them as some sort of injury that I'm not aware of.  Last week I went to Urgent Care where I was told I had a pocket of nasty mucous in my left side.  I was given a potent 5-day antibiotic and a steriod.  After two days, I'm not feeling much better.  I wake up thinking I'm better, but by mid-afternoon am miserable.  Could this be my sphenoid sinuses, or something more serious like a tumor.  I'm having a hard time finding a doctor who cares to remedy the problem.
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For those of you looking for an ENT specialist in Southern California I have a great recommendation. Dr. Shawn Nasseri is a fine Otolaryngologist (short for ENT — or ear, nose & throat specialist) and besides being a great physician is one of the nicest human beings I have ever met.
He is an expert in treating sinus problems — also any voice, throat, ear, nose, etc problems. His office is located at 436 N. Bedford Drive in Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Nasseri treats many of the singers and actors in Hollywood but he is great with all of the patients who are lucky enough to have him for a doctor.
Two members of my family have severe sinus problems related to a rare type of vasculitis (an autoimmune disease) and he has been treating then for over 5 years.
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A couple of years ago my boyfriend experienced a random incident of severe dizzyness accomponied by continuous vommiting, He was taken to the emergency room where they treated him for his present symptoms and following he underwent many tests, MRI's, catscans, etc. He was an avid scuba diver so there were also many examinations and tests to find out if it was dive related. He was labled extremely healthy and the wrote off his condition as migranes. He was perscribed medication that helped for a short period of time but he still experienced constant fogginess and a more accute dizzyness. Basically he felt sick every day rather than a few times a month. He stopped taking the meds and immediately felt better. About a month later his previous symptoms returned. He also began to get sick more often. Now it has effected his entire life. It is worse when he exercises, swims, or is in the heat. He is always tired, has a constant nagging headache, he complaines of an irritating feeling deep in his ear, and experiences what seems to me like connstant severe post nasal drip. The most effective treatment he has had yet was one perscribed by a doctor for a sinus inffection, however it only worked for a short period of time again. His condition is standing in the way of everything he loves about life so I have recently committed myself to research. Any suggestions, helpful research tips, reccommendations for great ENT's in the southern California area, would all be really appreciated.
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Sounds like some sort of infection or sinusitis. Your sinuses can become over sensitive to allergens, cold air, etc. If you have had a history of sinus trouble, it is more likely that this may be the problem. In any event, get to the doctor as soon as possible. Any condition that may involve the sphenoid sinuses, needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. Delays in diagnosis of problems related to this area can have devastating complications. God bless you.
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I have been having weird nauseating pain.  It is centered in the upper soft palate, and radiates down the back of my throat, along my jaw line, and on bad occasions, up into my temple on one side.  It usually only happens once a week, and the pain level varies.  The pain on one occasion was so bad that I thought it had to be a stroke, but then the pain stopped and I had massive relief.  Do you have any idea what could cause this?
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Some sinus infections are difficult to treat, because of what the poster above mentioned.  If symptoms persist, I would go to an ENT.  In the past, I have had wicked sinus infections.  I have been given a shot of some sort of cortisone, or predisone, for inflammation (helped alot) and a continued course of antibiotic therapy.  In my case, my sinus infections were chronic, accompanied with blood and discharge.  They seem to come and go with the years.  Right now, they are gone....good luck to you.
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