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Sudden adult onset of food allergies? Specifically, chocolate. . .

Is it possible to develop a food allergy in adulthood that you have never experienced before?  I'm 32 years old and have recently developed unexplained head pain; a CAT scan showed nothing abnormal.

I had a 24-hour respite from the head pain and then it returned.  The only thing I could associate with the change was eating chocolate and can recall an increase in my chocolate consumption over the past two weeks.

Can an adult develop a food allergy from out of nowhere?

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I am 41 yrs old, and just diagnosed as allergic to everything except turkey, rice and potatoes.  I love food, and cooking - so I am hungry, and very frustrated.  It is hard for me to believe I can have so much trouble with foods I have enjoyed my whole life. Did I mention I love food and cooking?  Like many of you, I am a bit upset and suspicious of the USDA and other government agencies who must be allowing some new and bad stuff into the food. Now I am reading all this information about food and nutrition, and as some of you have noted, it makes you afraid of the grocery store. It is really difficult and also expensive to buy everything organic, but I am certainly trying, and much more aware. It is worse for me, since I have a spouse who also does not understand how this is all happening, and sometimes makes me feel like I am being a purposeful drama queen!  I am trying chinese medicine now, and everyone and everything I read indicates clean out the toxics.  Chinese herbalist said I could eat pork, so I ran to the store to buy some pork chops for dinner. (they were delicious!). No problem the next morning....but  about 15 hours after the meal, have a case of itchy hives developing! Taking probiotics, and some herbs for candida too..(chiropractor/healer told me I needed this, plus after a month of staph infections as a result of the hives....I have taken enough antibiotics to kill all the bacteria in my body for several lifetimes I suspect)I am soooo frustrated and sick of turkey! Want to be regular and be able to eat again!! Read a book that recommended exotic game, things I have never eaten and have no intolerance to. I have not yet taken the step of ordering rattlesnake, turtle and ostrich....but it just may come to that soon.  Has anyone out there developed all these allergies all at ounce as adults and then gotten better? Most things I read say when you get this as an adult, it tends to stick around. I am looking into the Ger son clinic therapy, but bet it is not cheap, and certainly not covered by insurance.  Making juice every hour and giving myself several coffee enamas a day dose not sound like something I can realistically adhere to either....  I dream of the day I can enjoy a surf and turf dinner again, without breaking into weepy dripping hives all over my face! Glad to have found this forum, where at least I can vent a bit with folks who understand what I am going through.
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I've read nearly all of the posts here because I've had some strange symptoms the last few months.  I've also experienced severe stress and anxiety, which I and my dr. feel are contributing to my symptoms.

The more I research into all of this, the more I am beginning to think that major things in our life contribute to our bodies becoming "off balance" and causing haywire symptoms we've never had before.

For instance, my dr. told me that peanut allergies are very rare in adults and are mostly something that first appears in children.  He told me I could do the food panel blood test, but many times you get false positives and I don't have the typical symptoms for food allergies that would warrant these tests (I wanted to do the test to reassure myself it was my anxiety and not a food allergy).  

I've mainly just had eye symptoms and twice ate peanut butter earlier in the day, but didn't have anything appear until 6-12 hours later and even then it was once a partially puffy eyelid and another time a bag under the other eye.  The first time was preceded by itchy eyes and my eyes at the time were very dry (due to seasonal allergies and stress).  However, I've had peanut butter in between those 2 episodes with nothing happening and have also had some eye puffiness at other times when I've not consumed peanuts.  The doc thinks it's just seasonal allergies and stress and I mostly do as well, but my anxiety makes me afraid of eating and trying the possibly offending foods in fear of a severe reaction (though I've never had one).  When I had the eye symptoms, I felt fine otherwise (so again, not consistent with food allergies).

However, reading about the leaky gut syndrome makes a lot of sense because when you are under severe stress, it also affects your intestinal flora, so this might be a case with me.  I know that anxiety can cause you to begin experiencing allergy symptoms you've never had before.  I like the idea of starting a probiotic again.  I was on a good one a few years back and felt fantastic.

I'm wondering if bringing our bodies back into balance isn't the answer.  Which also brings me to another wonder.  Some of you here are also in your 40's, as am I, and for me, I think the stress along with hormonal imbalances and changes might be causing these issues.  I think whenever your body is out of balance, it causes changes in the immune system and that causes all kinds of symptoms we wouldn't normally get.
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Shelly, I see your post was way back in 2008. If you get this, I'd love to know how you're doing. I was diagnosed with brain cancer 2 years ago and have been developing allergies and sensitivities to what feels like everything I eat. Most vegetables, caffeine, green tea, resveratrol, all the healthy stuff! I used to be able to eat anything. It's as if my immune system has gone haywire, and I'm guessing the cancer has played a big role in throwing it off.
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Hi I sent a resquest to Allergy girl also, not sure how old the post is.  If you did get a list from her can you pass it on to me and many thanks if you can!
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Hi my name is Laura, just read your post.  I would like to know how your treatment for "leaky gut" and rotation diet has been working for you.
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Hi My name is Laura, just read your post.  Can i ask how you  are doing with the treatment for "Leaky Gut" and rotation diet?
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