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Sudden adult onset of food allergies? Specifically, chocolate. . .

Is it possible to develop a food allergy in adulthood that you have never experienced before?  I'm 32 years old and have recently developed unexplained head pain; a CAT scan showed nothing abnormal.

I had a 24-hour respite from the head pain and then it returned.  The only thing I could associate with the change was eating chocolate and can recall an increase in my chocolate consumption over the past two weeks.

Can an adult develop a food allergy from out of nowhere?

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I've read a couple of your posts and wonder if you have ever been checked for Hashimoto?  It is a common thyroid disorder...and can sometimes be the cause of anxiety along with a myriad of non-specific complaints.  I realize it's been some time before the posting, but I am just researching some things for myself.  Hashimoto runs in my family, and I was tested for thyroid problems but now found out it is a different test possibly because it involves the parathyroid?  I will keep reading this post to see if you have any updates, but it is quite lengthy right now.
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Try the Environmental Working Group for a list of safer cosmetics, personal products and cleaning products.  I had the same thing and had to go without makeup for a year and switched to all no fragrance and safter products for laundry and cleaning.  I have a fragrance free home, got rid of plastic items or anything with poly in it including clothing and went organic with my food.  It's a long road but worth it.  Good luck.
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HI Shelley - I just read your post on medhelp and was wonder if you found a solution to this problem.  I have started having this problem as well.  I have problems with all types of food, medication, and vitamins.  I have been trying accupunture but now I am starting to have headaches when eating food that does not agree with me.  Any insight would be greatley appreciated.

Thank you,
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You should try a light detox, and adding probiotics and eating a high-raw, macrobiotic diet. Sauerkraut, kombucha, coconut kefir, those are all great for healing your gut. A raw diet low in fruits and high in vegetables is all you should eat for a while. Heal your body from the inside with healthy, organic foods. You can also start juicing. Check out raw, juicing, detox books from the library. Try "Juicing for Life" by Cherie Calbom.
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Am 45 and in the last two years have 'become'? allergic to dairy, peanuts and now chocolate!!!??? What the heck?!  Very frustrating!  Before discovering the dairy allergy, I had been to 3 drs for vertigo, ringing in ears and itchy ears---after research for something else, I experimented with cutting dairy out of diet & after 4 days my symptoms were gone!  I tested the result after a couple of months by eating dairy for 2 days and wahla!  Vertigo came back!   Is there a benifit to an official allergy test if I can conclude it on my own? AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
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hi I'm not sure how old this thread is and I have never responded on one of these before I was wondering if you could send me your list of safe cosmetics? I hope this goes through. It is like my body has turned on me and everything I eat makes my throat and mouth burn. Am going to see a specialist to start an ellimination diet. Sure hope I get results soon as I am starving lol It just occured to me that it could be my personal hygien products. Thankyou in advance!!!!
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