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jaw, ear throat pain

I have had jaw pain for many days, only on one side, now i have ear and throat pain on the same side, and my jaw hurts so bad, like I had been punched (or so I assume) really har din the jaw.  It hurts to eat, and I have pain in my ear and a sore throat.....can anyone give me advise?  Bad sinuses?  Time to go the Dr?
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If anything is alarming you should see a doctor. It could possibly be an infection. Cavity / bad tooth?
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When I open my mouth to chew my left side of my jaw hurts up near the ear, I do get a lot o colds and sore throats, would it be a tumor tho?
1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, combination of your ear pain and the jaw pain could be due to sinus congestion. There are many cases where individuals that suffering from sinus congestion also experience pressure in the ear, with earaches and even jaw pain. The earaches you are having may be an infection in the ear due to blocked sinuses.

Other causes of aw pain can be due to infection of salivary gland like parotitis, infected foci, osteoporosis related jaw disarticulation or fracture. If the pain won’t subside or there is progressive worsening then you may need to undergo x-ray of jaw, serum alkaline phophatase and calcitonin level, radio imaging of the jaw joint will help to evaluate.

You can take hot showers. You need to take antibiotic- oral as well as ear drops, analgesics against prescription. You should go to ENT specialist to avoid complications in future. Take care and regards.

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I have had similar symptoms like the person in original post. It all started with painful jaw. Especially, after I'm up from sleep. I have mild pain during day otherwise I'm absolutely fine. Infact, pain after I wake up is so bad like my jaw is hit hard and is about to break and fall..!! It hurts bad!! :-(

Then 2 days back, I just scratched my ear and discovered sudden, severe, piercing pain inside the ear; just at the end of hearing canal. Infact, if I've felt it correctly; there's small, pimple like swelling too. So everytime I not touch or give slight pressure on my cheek, just near the opening of hearing canal I feel this severe, piercing, pinching pain... I'm afraid what could this be now? Any clues? I've an appt with an ENT today evening. Hopefully all comes clear..!!

Any replies by any docs. or specialists is highly appreciated.

best regards...
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