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Swelling and soreness in neck and trouble breathing.

I am not really sure if this is an allergy or not, but I have been having a lot of trouble breathing lately. I have been taking 24 hour severe allergy tablets, but it hasn't helped. Sinus tablets haven't helped either. I now have swelling at the top left side of the front of my neck and swelling about midway down the back of neck on the left side. You can feel the bulge or bump on both areas.      The breathing trouble comes and goes and I have had mild swelling at those areas before, but never all at once. Nor has the swelling actually been sore to the touch like it is now. I don't think it's too serious and it's probably sinuses. Has anyone else experienced something similiar or know for certain what could cause such?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the neck mass you have mentioned; the first thing to be ruled out is allergy and swelling involving lips, larynx and around the neck is termed as angioedema. If having breathing problems then you need to go hospital without delay.
There are certain known triggering factors like ACE inhibitors, stress, excitement, cold exposure, prolonged sitting or standing, and ingestion of certain foods. Hence, you need to identify this triggering factor and avoid the further exposure.
Other possibilities needed to be ruled out are Infectious inflammatory disorders like Reactive viral lymphadenopathy, Bacterial lymphadenopathy and Noninfectious inflammatory disorders (kawasaki's disease).
These condition can be accurately diagnosed by certain serological tests and neck MRI, CT or ultrasound. Not but the least even biopsy may be needed to know the type of tissue.
If it is due to bacterial then treatment with appropriate antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs against prescription will help to relieve the symptoms faster.
I suggest you to consult a surgeon for detailed physical and local examination supported with investigations for further management. Take care and regards.
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I have been paying attention to swelling anywhere else, and there hasn't been any swelling on the lips, tongue, larynx(as far as I can tell) and the only neck swelling is the places I mentioned. The breathing trouble isn't gasping for air or the like, but more mild I'd assume. I'm probably asking for trouble that way, but my insurance doesn't cover much, so I exercise caution with testing and the like. It'd cost me upwards of 1000s of $s I don't have as a 21 year old college student. I can still breathe, but I have been paying close attention in case it gets worse.
I don't take ACE inhibitors, haven't felt stressed lately or overly excited and cold exposure is highly unlikely this time of the year. Prolonged sitting or standing isn't likely either, even with my job I do mix of both standing and moving around and sitting. I have yet to figure if any food triggers any problems. I do have a milk allergy, but almost never have anything with milk in it. I haven't had anything lately that had more than possible trace amounts of milk in it. I have had the milk allergy for a couple years and it caused digestive trouble then, There was was no breathing trouble.
I have had blood tests for thyroid problems relating to throat issues before (gagging feelings, throat noise-croaking sound, hiccup fights with odd vibrations in the throat and difficulty swallowing during the "episodes") no doctor has found the cause of those problems. I have been to an ENT, who did a test numbing the nose and throat and sticking a tube up the nose and down the throat to look (I don't recall the name of the test) and found nothing. That was it from him. I have seen 2 separate gastroenterologists, one did an endoscopy and found nothing. I doubt the two issues are related but I thought I'd throw that info out there just in case.
I figure if it continues, a visit to my physician may be in order this week. Suggestions from others as to possible causes is certainly helpful. Thanks for your reply, it's appreciated.
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