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Tide 2X Ultra eye allergy

I've never had allergies to anything in my life.... ever. Yet here is my story...

We switched from regular Tide (used all my life) and began using the Tide 2X Ultra in July... towards the end of July i got what seemed to be a mild Conjunctivitis in my right eye and occasionally my left, basically it felt like a mucous over my eye ball (no severe redness) and actually blurred vision ever so slightly as though I'd dripped water in my eye. After 4 doctors, two types of prescription eye drops, an optometrist (where i got a clean bill of health), all kinds of that fake tears BS and Visine. etc I still had it. My mother began to experience the same sort of thing around the same time. soon later my father had Conjunctivitis that came and went and then returned one morning. It's now September first and I'm still suffering from the damn thing... the only day since then that it cleared up completely was yesterday coincidentally i wore a brand new (unwashed in Tide 2X) t-shirt and by early afternoon my eyes were perfect. If I am outside in the breeze they feel pretty good until I'm in a closed space with idle air like a car with the windows up. I was wondering if anybody else had experienced this eye irritation... Eyes feel much more "sticky" in the morning after sleeping in the "Tide 2X-washed" bedding... Going to try the good old Tide again and see what happens and update but I'm looking for some insight. Maybe common ground?

I'll note as well that i had inflamed sinuses and fluid behind my ear drums (one of those 4 doctors noticed this)

I've been outdoors all my life I was fine all spring and then suddenly in July this happened.
13 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

You seem to be having contact dermatitis to this particular brand of detergent. When the contact leads to irritated skin, the eczema is called irritant contact dermatitis. If an allergic reaction develops on the skin after exposure, the eczema is called allergic contact dermatitis.

You can get it confirmed by skin tests like skin ***** tests or patch test or blood tests like RAST. . In skin tests a little amount of allergen is injected into the skin of the forearm by a doctor. The skin is closely watched for signs of a reaction, which include swelling and redness.

You can take antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin(loratidine).Topical application of antihistaminic and steroid eye drops is also helpful.Severe cases may need oral corticosteroids.

Pls consult an allergist as your symptoms have to be differentiated from conjunctivitis and other eye conditions.This can only be done by allergy testing.Also avoid washing the clothes in that particular brand of detergent to which you are allergic.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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Thank you for your insight. So far I haven't had any skin reactions, no itching or anything. It began with the eye symptoms in mid July and when I went to a walk-in clinic about the eye irritation, they also noticed I had fluid behind my ear drums and inflamed sinuses. I have also had random occurances of a slightly swollen feeling in my neck and one instance of shortness of breath (blood pressure and other things are fine, i was checked) which leads me to believe this could be something seasonal as well. The eye irritation rarely causes any redness or anything too visible and it's more prominent in my right eye. My left eye returns to almost completely normal at some point every day, the right eye persists.

I suspected the Tide because the symptoms began shortly after we began using it. This is September 3rd and my first complete day without using anything washed in the suspected Tide product. My right eye has bothered me most of the day, left seems fine.

To describe the symptoms in detail as best as I can, I would have to say it feels as though i've dripped a thicker substance in my eye (thicker than normal tears) and sometimes causes a very very slight blurring of things at any distance (not enough to cause me any problems reading or anything) and i can blink it away but it returns moments later as though my tears that naturally lubricate the eye are somehow thicker than normal. When it does seem to clear up, my vision is as clear as can be, absolutely perfect and no discomfort what so ever. I have had the occasional day where both eyes have felt dry and achy... using a warm compress and resting for about 10 to 15 minutes seemed to clear up these symptoms completely..... and on a final note.... both eyes always feel much better as the evening progresses.
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Unfortunately TIDE 2x concentrated fallen down on my hand. Its burning and some times getting itching in that area. Can anyone suggest me the treatment or medicins for this
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I am experiencing the same eye problems as well as itchy ears and a rash on a good part of my body.I switched to Ultra a few weeks ago. My vision is quite blurry today and I am glad I read your comments.I went to an eye doctor last week and she said my vision was fine. At the time of the visit my vision was not blurry and my eyes had not started to itch yet.My mother suggested rinsing my bedding and clothes in hot water. I am trying that right now.
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I have used Tide all life and never had a problem, but I recently returned to the US and started using Tide 2X.  I developed severe contact dematitis over 1/3 of my body before I realized what was causing it.  I am washing everything in Tide for sensitive skin now, but I've spent a lot of time and money on the doctor, medications and several plastic bottles of Tide I can no longer use plus I need to wash most of my clothes again!  The irritation is clearing up, but I spent several weeks in misery.  People need to be aware of this new allergen.  Tide 2X is not the Tide we have been using in the past.
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My husband just broke out in itchy/small hives all over in the last 3 days... each day getting worse and spreading... awful! Yes - It's the Tide 2x I bought a few weeks ago per our dermatologist... doctor said he sees it all the time.  So... he said only sure thing to use to avoid a reaction was Ivory Snowflakes or Dermil -- we have $200 worth of meds for itching - both pills and lotion -- and doc said it would take a weeks to subside!  So don't buy TIDE, and really anything else I guess!  We aren't allergic to anything so this was a big surprise/shock to us -- hopefully anyone reading this can avoid the pain my hubby is going through!  
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I am so glad to see this!!  Our son has had terrible hives for weeks now (on steroids unfortunately) and I've been limiting his exposure to everything...it's been better...yesterday I changed his sheets and he woke up with hives (even on the steroid)!  We got new HE washer/dryers about 6 weeks ago and switched to Tide Ultra 2x for High Efficiency.  Now it seems to make sense but we've ALWAYS used Tide so I didn't think that could be it.  I'm actually so excited to throw the **** away and see if I can get our baby boy feeling better!
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681148 tn?1437661591
My whole family experienced allergic symptoms to Tide years ago when I was still just a kid.  So, I'm not the least bit surprised to hear of other people having bad reactions to Tide in particular.  It's not the only brand I've had a bad experience with, but it's one I have refused to even try again.  

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  My husband had allergy reactions to Tide as a child, so I've never used it.
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If it helps, I noticed that I have a bad skin reaction to all new laundry detergents made with Ultra Concentrated, even Free and Clear.  I noticed the problem starting when my eyes would break out in almost like a hive appearance, itch, burn and turn scaly.  I switched to Free and Clear POWDER detergent (non concentrate) and it worked.  I can't even touch anything that has been washed with Ultra Concetrate with breaking out into hives on only my eyes.  I only use Free and Clear everything.  I broke out recently and think it is due to concentrated Free and Clear Fabric Softner, who knew!  It is the strangest thing.  Also, Avon brand Eye Cream Renew seems to take the hives down on my eyes for some strange reason.  I recommended this also to someone else with a recent problem with bad eczema and it worked.  Good luck!
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While out for a run over the weekend, I noticed my left eye getting swollen. I thought that perhaps I got something in it and continued on my run. Soon I had to cut my run short and noticed my tounge was swelling as well. My wife happened to be driving home and saw my face. She thought I had fallen and wanted to take me to the urgent care center in town. I felt that perhaps I was just a bit dehydrated until I saw my face in the mirror. It turns out I was having an alergic reaction to something. I soon noticed the concern of the doctor and staff as they quickly gave me shots of epinephrin, benedryl, some type of steroid and pepcid. After ruling out that I hadnt eaten anything different, my wife said she had switched laundry detergents and washed my running clothes in Tide. A nurse in the ER said he had an allergy to Tide as well as the peramedic that took me to the hospital ER. I am not 100% sure it was the tide but cant think of any thing else that changed since my last run the previous weekend.
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A few weeks ago Tuesday my eyelids started itching and getting inflamed and as the night wore on my eyes almost became swollen shut. It took a couple of days to subside and happened again Saturday night. I also developed hives and just felt bad in general. I thought I had developed a shellfish allergy so cut it out but it happened again midweek and then again the following Sunday. It never completely cleared up it just kept flaring. It caused the skin on my eyelids and around my eyes to become scaly and peel when the swelling went down.
Yesterday I spoke to a friend at a dermatologist's office and she said you are using Tide aren't you? I told her I was using Tide 2X Ultra Free and Clear and she advised me to throw it out and wash everything in Purex or Purel (I'll double check that.) Today is the first day my eyes almost look completely normal in weeks and I feel better too. She also mentioned a connection between mold and Tide especially in damp winter months. Don't know but maybe that exacerbates the allergy? Hoping this solves my problem!
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Hi!!! I have always bought whatever detergent was on sale, never really paying any attention to the particular brands I used. I thought it didn't really matter as long as my clothes were clean. So about 2 weeks ago I decided to buy the TIDE 2X and I was thrilled at how clean the clothes were. Of course I used 2 cups per load just to make sure they were super clean. Almost IMMEDIATELY I started breaking out in NASTY hives--big clusters of them all over my body, but especially on my torso. I washed my clothes with All "FREE and CLEAR", and was STILL breaking out with hives. Because I had used so much TIDE, I have  to wash my clothes for the second time!! And I live in NYC so I have to go to a laundromat, so this has been a nightmare~~ not to mention not being able to sleep because of the misery the hives cause. PLEASE folks..BEWARE of using a new detergent..I have learned my lesson and have now switched to no perfume, no dye, all natural soap. Good luck to everyone... :)
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