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Very High IGE Levels

My son (14) has a IGE level of 33,000 - he has severe eczema, asthma and many allergies.  We did have a specialist examine him for Hyper IGE (Jobs syndrome), which he does not have.  Is there any other disease that would carry such a high IGE level, or can this just be severe allergies???  
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Have you been checked for tick born infections, such as Lyme disease, bartonella or babesia? I have all of these and you have some of the symptoms. Ticks can be as small as a poppy seed and less than half of those bitten get the EM rash at the time of the bite. Or if they do some do not notice or mistake for a spider bite etc. infectious disease doctors can test for this however I recommend a Lyme literate doctor because they specialize in tick born infections and are the experts of tick born infections. It is their focus and passion. Here is a link to ILADS.  http://www.ilads.org They can help you find a Lyme Literate Doctor in your area and they have many resources on their site. Good luck, God Bless and prayers for healing!
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Anyone have any luck using cellcept? We have been battling eczema with our  son for 9 years and recently it has gotten much worse. His IgE levels are 21,000+ . He has abscesses over his body and nothing besides atarax is helping. He can't continue to sleep through life and miss school. No food allergies and celiac panel was negative. Allergies to dust dogs, horses, and grass. History of repeated sinusitis and asthma. Hospitalized once for pneumonia. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
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Hi, all, this board seems to be going on for ages. There was one girl there who said she felt stiff and brain fogged and dizzy....exactly how I'm feeling. My ige level is 1536 and weirdly enough my sisters level was high too... Odd? But we both noticed breathing issues, mine were more slightl then my sisters. I also had my vitamins checked. And b12 was a little low. I'm hoping if I take some b complex it will help with everything. ;) I hate going to docs cos they say il my tests are fine but I feel like I've run a marathon some days when I wake up.
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Hi Roxane777,
My husband has been fighting a similar battle chronic autoimmune urticaria they are calling it with a delayed pressure urticaria component. We have done everything from allergra to predisone to cellcept to cyclosporine (leukemia drug). We are now looking into Mayo clinic and xolair. We are drawing Ige levels tomorrow morning- nothing else has come up. Did you have any luck with xolair? I see your post was in 2011 very curious where you and your husband are at this point-
thx CK
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3105611 tn?1341444169
Hoping to discover my problem today, I have a 3,650 count, which Im almost embarrassed about posting seeing some of the other totals here, however, my asthma attacks are proving fatal
07- Summer,on the way to football practice, I play and coach, had to turn around and go home, took 5 treatments, ambulance called, pulse 02 (55%), passed out, 8 day coma, no memory loss but mass motor skill reset,
had VERY bad pattern eczema (genetic- same spots as my dad) and was unable to wear shoes in the 7th grade for 3 weeks.
'12 Xmas Eve, 2 days really struggling, called roommate to come take me to hospital, 90mph, passed out en route, arrive 0% pulse 02,for recorded 20 min, convulsions, 2 day coma,

'13 February, failed SSi lung test, lost benefits, pneumonia for 4 months, took prednisone to get to clinic, referred to university, for PTSD and pulmonary eval

currently experience odd dermatome irritation, (softball sized patch centered on left scapula itches very badly prior to attacks

IGE levels 3,650
CT Scan, - mild scarring R lung
Spirometry tests (2) , Baseline 60%, post medication 60%  :(
2 sleep tests, discovered apnea at REM onset, so ive been sleeping almost 2 hrs a night for about a decade

prednisone is my only recourse, but there must be some middle ground
between suffocation and scaring people with prednisone rages.
evicted, homeless,  cabulance wont pick me up because I have no phone, (15 days now, knee deep in affidavits from Univ physicians,
they also wont take me to counseling and my clinic dr, the last one of 5 who would actually commit to treating me, is RELUCTANT to prescribe more prednisone without more results,  so im being oxygen (rescue med) rationed for "safeties sake'

between insomnia from nebulizer treattments and prednisone, and the sleep apnea I slept a TOTAL of 12 hrs in the 7 days prior to my 2nd coma, and slept in teh bathroom sitting up, the two days prior, lying down makes it worse.

any thoughts, theories had allergy test, wildly allergic to lots of things, -birch, blue grass, cats, dogs,
-negative for aspergillosis
everyone seems to be hoping someone else will do something,
and i can no longer afford the 10% drop in lung function per receptionist, fighting to get anything done, without even medication to rescue myself,
and little to no faith in ER since my condition is so bizarre,
specialist w 6 months of tests have no clue, what chance do i stand with an ER doctor with 45 seconds notice.?

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i am the patient of asthama since i was 7 years old and now im 29years old, i always had skin problems with me, last year my doctor adviced me to get tested the IgE, so my IgE levels were about 4000, from now onword i get myself tested after every 30 days and my IgE levels are between 3500-5000, i am constantly having the anti allergy tablts but no result, my doctor dont want me to take Xolair, can any1 tell me what should i do????
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