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Very High IGE Levels

My son (14) has a IGE level of 33,000 - he has severe eczema, asthma and many allergies.  We did have a specialist examine him for Hyper IGE (Jobs syndrome), which he does not have.  Is there any other disease that would carry such a high IGE level, or can this just be severe allergies???  
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I tend to get pain in my joints and skin redness randomly poos up of my neck, face, chest, arms, behind the ears, etc. High IGE levels, but everything else is normally according to my doctor. Swelling of the skin if skin is under pressure(ex:lifting weights, or anything that needs a tight grip that has alot of weight), This ***** cause doctors just dont get it. And doctors visits and meds that they're not even sure will work aren't cheap. UghhhhI'm 24! This is nuts!
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Does my symptoms seem to match yours? Im 24
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  I'm a 24 year old male and have been having severe skin problems for almost 3 years now. It started up as an unusual skin rash and has progressively gotten worse. My skin has become extremely sensitive. For example, scratch at a pimple on my face and it swells up like a hive, scratch my skin if it itches, and it starts to welt and get red. I also have random swells of itchy red skin, but isn't dry like eczema tends to be. Also if I lift weights or something, my hands start to swell and blood flow starts to constrict. I've been to 4 different types of doctors and had many blood tests done. I also have a high IGE level, but all organs/bodily functions/levels are fine. I have constant allergies and sinus congestion is a daily thing for me. I've switch detergents, soaps, shampoos, foods, you name it. It has taken a tole on my social life as well as mentally. Can't play football with the guys because I'll break out in severe redness and swelling, haven't had a girlfriend since this whole thing started, and I have started to become socially awkward due to my self consciousness of my issue. Hoping to find some answers if possible. I just can't believe that doctors can't seem to find whats wrong :/.  
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Im 27 and it sounds like we are having the same trouble, your muscle and joints pains(if u have them) are probably caused by your medication, I was on 300mg of ciclosporin every day, which caused me mialga, (i think its called), across my chest, and walking up stairs in the morning would tire me out all day.
My doctors switched me over to Methotrexate, which ii take once a week and now i can do a lot more, although my skin is stll terrible and my IGe is over 5000,
Do u have other problems aswell, arthritis? hayfever? conjunctivitis and asthma,?
Your the only person my age that i can find which has what i have? Its mainly kids
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I am 29 and my levels r 22000. I've had asthma and eczema my whole life but only over the past 2 yrs has my ige levels been this high. It all started when I went into anaphylaxis after eating a tree but. Now it seems my immune system is constantly in over drive. Idk if their is a simple fix that I'm just not seeing or if I'm going to have to live with this for the rest of my days. My immunologist says jobs syndrome but I have no other sighs of the syndrome other than elevated I've levels.
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My ma told me worms can porduce if my allergys were too high thats not true rite
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I am 69.  Weeks after birth I would scratch my body into a bloody ball.  At 41 my IgE level was slightly over 52000. I have atopic derm.,  A bad asthmatic  until Advair.  Used that for 4 years and not for 10 years now... no Asthma to speak of.  The atopic derm is getting better as I age and my immunity system weakens with each year.  I have been able to control the atopic derm by showering enough to wet the skin twice a day then while the skin is still wet ... I mix a cortisone cream with vasoline ... about 20/80 on my hands  then spread over the allowed part of my body while still moist from the shower .  This works to control my skin mostly.  Also supplement this with cortisone less than four 20 mg per month...Taken as needed but never back to back days.  Growing up I was given large amounts of cortisone which kept me alive and have suffered the side effects as cataracts ... have learned to manage my skin over the last 30 years.
I have lived long enough that my immune system is weakening.  For us... Age is our friend.
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