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Very High IGE Levels

My son (14) has a IGE level of 33,000 - he has severe eczema, asthma and many allergies.  We did have a specialist examine him for Hyper IGE (Jobs syndrome), which he does not have.  Is there any other disease that would carry such a high IGE level, or can this just be severe allergies???  
82 Responses
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My allergist said I could get my shots twice a week to expedite getting to maintenance.  That and going regularly will get you to maintenance quicker, but you and your doctor need to discuss what is best for you.  If you don't like your doctor, you may want to get a second opinion.  I see an allergist (for my allergy shots), but my internist referred me to a pulmonologist (who is great) for a second opinion regarding my asthma.  I hope you find relief.  My heart goes out to you as I have had asthma since age two and have suffered a lot, but now my asthma and allergies are pretty well controlled with allergy shots and the right medications.  
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I was born with eczema, and live with it everyday. Each and everyday I have an average IgE levels of 10k-15k. Life isn't easy with an evtremely high IgE but im better than i will ever be. I was told that I would grow out of most of my ezcema and I have. Years ago , while I was in grade school I had an IgE level of 118,388.3 which is above and beyond Hyper IgE levels. My parents were told I would most likely die from a deadly lung eating disease, but! I didnt. Yay! I have also taken the Xolair injections for 6 months before i had a horrible allergic reaction to it. I was on 3 injection every 2 weeks then suddenly my body decides to react to the drug.And ive been on cyclosporine* for some time but didnt want to damage my live or kidneys, so that treatment was stopped. To everyone else that has ezcema... just relize it could be worse. At least we have a disease that is treatable.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
how long do allergy shots take to work?  is there a way to do them aggressively?  I've heard that you have to do them 3-5 years?  my doctor is terrible and waited 3 years to start me on the shots even though I have asthma- my cheeks break out in hives.
I'm so exahusted and crippled from sleep breathing problems and want to try xolair.
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It's amazing how many different manifestations of the condition there are. Mine is similar & different to many.

I am 63 years old and have never had eczema. My current IgE is 5610 up 1,000 from two weeks ago and ten times what I had last year after an extremely serious asthma exacerbation which hospitalized me for 10 days and left me on prednisone for an additional 3 months before we could taper off.

Other than slight fatigue, my life went back to normal until a recent and much less serious exacerbation which required much less prednisone. It was after this event that I was having trouble shaking the fatigue, the chest and sinus congestion, that my doctor decided to check my Immunological profile.

Tests for parasites, fungus, etc have turned up nothing. My symptoms and congestion and peak flow are manageable. The only thing that bothers me or interferes with my life is the fatigue. My theory is that I feel so tired because my body is obviously fighting a perceived infection and this drags me down whether or not there is an infection of significant magnitude to account for it.

We are still searching for a reason for the rise and I'd like to know the "why" of the matter, but my main concern is getting my energy back before my grandson comes to visit.
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Please check whether its because of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergiolosis. You need to pay attention to lungs. Start doing pranayam by Ramdev. Each morning, have crushed garlic and consume with lukewarm water. dont drink cold water. drink mor ethan 5 litres of lukewarm water. Shift to just veg foods. no meat.
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I have very high IgE levels.  I used to have very bad eczema, but evening primrose oil helped immensely.  You can by it at any health food store.  It is high in omega 6, though, so you should take it with oils high in omega 3, such as fish oil or flax oil if you are allergic to fish.
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Hi! I never seen such a high number of igE. when I see your post I started crying, I'm really sorry for you. It's really hard dealing with this. My level is 74.000, a few years ago was 25.000 (i'm 21). Durring the last year my life started to fell apart, every day is more exhausting. I even drop from school and I'm trying to solve the problem with appropriate food, but there are no results. I was also on ciklosporin.. 2 times for 2 years on Sandimmun Neoral..for half a year it worked but then my allergy become like before. Now I'm on CellCept for 2 months and it doesn't work :/ I have just the side effects :/ I'm also on immunotherapy for dust from november. Everyday I take 2-3 telfast (antihistamine) and 1 atarax. I'm just waiting when my body will start to fell apart...when my kidneys will not work anymore.
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Please shift to vegetarian foods. Those are good for health. Avoid meat and chicken. Also, do pranayam yoga advised by Ramdev. Do Panchkarma process in India. And meditate. Things will be good.
Please shift to vegetarian foods. Those are good for health. Avoid meat and chicken. Also, do pranayam yoga advised by Ramdev. Do Panchkarma process in India. And meditate. Things will be good.

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