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Very High IGE Levels

My son (14) has a IGE level of 33,000 - he has severe eczema, asthma and many allergies.  We did have a specialist examine him for Hyper IGE (Jobs syndrome), which he does not have.  Is there any other disease that would carry such a high IGE level, or can this just be severe allergies???  
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I am 14 years old, and my IgE levels are currently at 80,000. Xolair does not seem to be working for me, and I have to use my nebulizer about 5 times a day. My doctors had found out I had a high IgE levels ever since I was 7. When I was seven, they were only 20,000. Now they are 80,000. I also now have chronic bronchitis that I can't get rid of and I'm always tired and miserable :( I know that Xolair works for some individuals, but apparently its not working very well for me. I really hope it works for you, though. Don't fool around with this condition. It can be very serious. During those 7 years, I have been an inpatient in my hospital constantly and I have lost count for how many times I have been in the ICU at my hospital. IgE levels are not "simple allergens" when your levels reach this high. I have gotten many, severe infections (including meningitis a couple of times). I sometimes have to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks or more before I am better. If you do not get this treated, you will certainly not be able to enjoy things and your levels will keep on getting higher and higher, like mine are. Good Luck and, I hope you feel better soon :D
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I am 54 and have had allergies all my life and non-problematic asthma. No eczema.  Had been a smoker but quit at 24.  In the last 10 years, allergy tests identified IgE in the 100-300 range. Then 5 years ago, I developed serious breathing difficulties with my asthma and ended up in the hospital about every 6 months and on prednisone and antibiotics about every other month for about 3 years. I was treated with QVAR inhaler and Flonase nose spray and Symbicort. Further testing showed my IgE had zoomed to 38,000. Went through the parasite testing and CA tests, all negative. Physician put me on Singular and the IgE went down. May have just been a matter of timing, not clear if Singular is of primary relevance. Was still cycling with periods of breathing problems, prednisone and antibiotics. We added in Spiriva last year though I do not have COPD, and my asthma has come under control. My energy isn’t great, but not bad. The Asthma is always just below the surface if I exert myself much, but not to the extent of needing neither prednisone nor hospitalization. I consider my situation to still be in flux, worried the other shoe will fall, but am doing okay now and keep my fingers crossed.
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My daughter is 2 and she is taking Xolair for severe eczema and high IgE levels. It seems to be helping a lot. It was either that or oral steroids long term and this was the lesser of the two evils. We haven't seen any negative side effects yet and she has been on it for 3 months
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>The only problem i feel now is that i have severe fatigue - My muscles hurt and are very stiff, I have headaches, brain fogginess- I feel like a 60 years old stuck in the body of a 20 year old.

Well, I sympathise. But imagine what that feels like for a person who *is* 60. I'm 57 and like yourself have high IGE levels - though nowhere near as high as some of the figures I've seen on this forum, mine are in the 2000 to 3000 range. But the "brain fogginess" (fine description) I know well, along with the "severe fatigue". It's these symptoms which prompted me to do the search which brought me to this forum. Best wishes to you, hope you're doing OK.
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No, you're not the only one. I have fungus called aspergillus in the lungs (a little less at the moment due to recent vacuuming-service!) and have similar IGE levels to yours (about 2000 to 3000). Chronic symptoms of tiredness / headache, similar to what I imagine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome must be like. Am on a dairy and wheat free diet, and consume almost no sugar (none at all directly, and my wife, who is a medical laboratory scientist and far more knowledgeable about such things, protects me against sugars in other foods). Aspergillus, I'm told, is common as dust; so it's not that I have it and others don't, but that some of us react to it, while others don't.
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My son, who is 7 years old, also has high Ige level which was 14000 2years back and has come down to 3500 in last report, i have not been giving any medication , but just put him on aloe vera products, his bathing gel, creams, gel to drink, tablet to eat is of aloe vera, company forever. Seems it is helping in cleaning his body. Try it out.
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