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Weught gain

Can allergy shots cause weight gain??  Since I have started the shots I have gained 4 pounds.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Allergy can cause swelling, redness or itching at the site of the injection, difficulty breathing, wheezing or coughing or an anaphylactic reaction;but it dies not cause any weight gain.

Weight gain can be caused by alcohol use, eating too much and not exercising enough,anxiety and depression, high-carbohydrate, high-calorie diet and certain drugs such as corticosteroids, cyproheptadine, lithium and drugs causing increase fluid retention and edema.
Weight gain is also present in cushing’s syndrome(a disorder caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol),hypothyroidism and kidney,heart and liver diseases(Disease in these organs can cause fluid retention, which appears as general puffiness all over the body, especially the eyes and ankles).PCOS(ovarian cyst) is also known to cause weight gain in females.

Can you identify any of these?I feel that if you have any excessive weight gain,cold sensitivity or swollen feet and shortness of breath,then you need to consult a physician.

Take care and pls do let us know if you have additional queries.

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I tend to feel better when I get allergy shots and eat more. Don't think the shots will make you gain weight. However the area of the injection can swell making your arms or where ever look bigger. 4 lbs is not much of a weight gain unless you are really tiny.
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