1371038 tn?1278412666

When I am sweating I am cold to touch

We are having some lovely weather at the moment, and due to me working indoors I sweat terribly. Although my skin in cold to touch. I need help.
2 Responses
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1371038 tn?1278412666
Thank you for getting in touch as quickly as you have. I have taken on board what you have told me and am now making arrangements to see my own GP. Thank you again.
Helpful - 0
1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is a common but troublesome condition that is often overlooked. There is usually a genetic predisposition to it.  The possibilities for incresed sweating are anxiety, Lymphoma, Infections like Brucellosis, Pheochromocytoma, Carcinoid syndrome and Hyperthyroidism. Also indigestion may result in sweating due to acid reflux disease.
You can use deodorants, talc, avoid contact with hot things, have lot of water, use loose cotton clothes, have cool foodstuffs in daily routine like curd, juice etc.
The treatment of this condition includes Topical therapy with antiperspirants, Iontophoresis are available.
I suggest you to consult a physician and get evaluated for complete blood tests, thyroid profile, endoscopy and 24 hrs gastric pH. Take care and regards.
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