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Where to next? any advise?

I know this is long, but it's the only way to really explain: I was admitted 3 years ago for sever acid reflux. I've been sick for almost a year now straight. I keep getting tossed back and forth with no answers. Last year my throat swelled and I was rushed to the ER. When I got back home I was sent to three docs who decided I had Angio edema...with no known cause. I went to the Allergy Doc who said he didn;t think it was from An allergy but sent me to take all the "T" test and all came back fine. Since this started every day I have trouble swallowing. Pain in my left ear on and off. Once in a while my tongue will swell or tingle. And a thick mucus in my throat. The ear, nose and throat doc keeps sending my back to the gastro doc.  I've been on prevacid for three months now, two times a day with no help. I'm feeling helpless. I can't afford to keep doing this much longer. About three months ago I had an emergency endoscopies and all he said was a slight aggravation in my throat and to up my acid pills to twice a day. I am being seen by a Allergy, Ear nose and Throat and a gastro plus my family doc. Do I try to find a whole new set of these docs and try again? Where do I turn now..?
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Let us know what your doctor suggests after a second opinion.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

What medications did you mention are you taking for panic attacks? Could you spell it out correctly? Has your doctor prescribed the medications?

You could ask your doctor for an antinausea, antireflux combination like esmoprazole/pantoprazole with domperidone.

Keep us posted.

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Thank you!!! I am 39.
I've had chest x-rays done and am on Hydoxyzne (for panic...I know this is not panic related because it doesn't ease up.) And I am on the prevacid 2x a day. I think I will get a second opinion. (I even told my reg. doctor I wanted to do that....PYL she agreed!!! ;-)
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What is your age?

Has a chest xray been done?

I suggest that you should reconsult with your gastro specialist or take a second opinion from another gastro specialist.

Nothing can be said without a detailed clinical evaluation of your case including the past medical history.

Are you on any medications currently?

Keep us posted and let us know what your specialist advises.

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