1224086 tn?1313657552

Yellow greasy crusts in head

I am 17 years old. Before a week I cut my hair really short (0.5) and before some days I went at the sea and I got sunburned in my head. Now the scalp of my head is red and is a bit painful. Yesterday I saw some small really greasy yellow crusts on top of my head that can be removed. Today I have more of them. What are they? I am really worried.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your concern. The redness, crusts and if it is also associated with itchiness, it is most likely to be seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Sometimes this can be due to psoriasis also. For either of these conditions you can try over the counter shampoos which contain ketoconazole. Ensure to have frequent hair washes. While using the shampoo, remember to keep it on for at least 10 minutes. But if the condition is worsening or if there is increasing pain please consult your primary care physician or a dermatologist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1224086 tn?1313657552
My parents had a closer look and saw that these crusts are on top of irritated (festering) acnes. This part of my head hurts alot, but I think is because of the sunburn. It is not itchy. They told me that it can also be an infection from the sea water. Tomorrow I will go to a dermatologist. Should I be worried for a hair loss on this part of my head? Thank You for Your response.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your concern. The rash could also be due to contact dermatitis, that is exposure to an irritant like a chemical or metal or anything you are allergic to, it can cause rash. Water could have been the source of allergens. But if there is accompanying swelling, redness, discharge and fever it is most probably infected. There could be temporary hair loss till the lesions heal. But to exactly pin point the pathology you will need to consult your  primary care physician who will examine you an may ask for blood tests. If the need arises he may refer you to a dermatologist.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1224086 tn?1313657552
I went to a dermatologist and he told me these acnes with this white-yellow substance inside (I am sorry I don't know how to call them in English) are a sign of infection. He gave me amoxicillum/acidum clavulanicum to take from mouth, vitamins b1, b6, b12 and a liquid erythromicine to spread in the infected area. He told me not to wash my hair because in this way the infection could spread and not to use any cremes unless he tells me not to do so.
Now my head started itching alot.
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Good to see you consulted a dermatologist. The lesions you are referring to must be pustules, which could be due to impetigo or infected hair follicles. But it should resolve with the antibiotics. Try to resist the urge to scratch, as this can spread the infection. You could clean the lesions gently with sterile water and apply the erythromycin.  Also, rule out diabetes. Just cautioning you, don't get worried. Take Care.
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1224086 tn?1313657552
Thanks a lot for all your help. I really appreciate it. As soon as I will finish the cure or I will have news I will tell you. I will also follow your advice about diabetes. Thanks again.
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