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Zyrtec vs Xyzal

I have had hives since July this year. I had them about 7 years ago, they lasted about a year. I'm taking Zyrtec (once a day), Zantac (2 / day), Doxepin (150 mg @ bedtime), and Benadryl as needed. I had been on prednisone on and off since July but my doctor has taken me off of it (for obvious reasons). Unfortunately nothing I've taken other than prednisone has worked. My hives are particularly associated with pressure (underwear) - Since September i have worn a tank top under my clothes due to hives associated with wearing a bra. Since there are times that my clothing requires wearing a bra (like yesterday) and sure enough, hives were back by last night. Very, very itchy.... i drank a ton of Benadryl (the liquid version since that works more quickly than pills). I am ready to ask my doctor about other options - Xyzal, Atarax (I do have a quickly dimishing number of these pills from when I had to go to the emergency room), and perhaps dapsone. Does anyone have experience with these drugs? Right  now, i'm sitting here feeling so itchy (better than last night, but not good) and discouraged. I would appreciate others experience. Thanks!
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I have found something that WORKS. I started on PATANASE Nasal spray in June. It has made a significant difference in my life. I no longer have short of breath, vocal cord wheezing or HIVES. The Patanase was for Allergic Rhinitis. But it has resolved my hive issues as well. I am down to using 1 Benadryl in a day instead of 6-8 tabs. Also, I am down to 1 Claritin a day.
Another good allergy med is Zadator opth for itchy eyes. It works much better than Visine-A and is over-the-counter.
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Hello fellow hives sufferers! My story with hives goes back to 2000. I had them non-stop for about a year and a half. I saw all the dr's, allergy specialists, etc. They were not much help and I found their ***** allergy tests not very accurate either. So I started checking myself for allergies by watching my reactions to each food. Did the food make me tired, heart beat faster, feel strange? If so I cut it out. I also started acupuncture treatments to remove allergies (NAET - google it) which I think had the biggest impact in eliminating my hives. I have been hive-free for years at a time, and only get an outbreak maybe once or twice a year, usually when very stressed by something. When I get them I see the acupuncturist and after 2-3 tx the hives are gone again. Large doses of Vit C (buffered form) will give short-term relief (2-3 grams per dose). Cool showers also give short-term relief. Reducing stress and other burdens on your body (drugs, bad food, substances you are allergic to, etc.) reduce chances for hives. Try to find the root problem causing your hives - it is possible just a lot of work. Best of luck to us all!
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for 6 months I have been trying to figure out this full body itch, rash, hives, burning,wheals thing I've had.  Dermatologis told me it is dermatographism or Urticaria.  Which basically means I can write on my skin by applying pressure.  Everythin that I lean on gives me a swollen rash that itches.  Even holding my baby gives me the rash on my arms.  I tried everything (benadryl, prednisone, claritin, alegra, calamine lotion, hydrocorizone cream, and benadryl cream)  with little to no relief.  It woke me at night, it itched so bad at times.  He prescribed xyzal.  Even after the first dose the itch was gone.  I still got hives from everything but not as much swelling and it didn't itch.  I missed my follow up appt. so I bought zyrtec at the store and it only works about 50% as good.  I still itch an swell just not enough to make me wake at night to itch.  They may be practiclly the same drugh, but there is definetally a difference.  Good luck to all of us!!!!
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Do a search here on allergies associated with bras.
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I was prescribed xyzal in Aug, but I've been taking it on and off with allegra.  I think xyzal and allegra have about the same effect on my hives.  I've had chronic hives on and off since 1991.  I've had allergy tests done but the tests were inconclusive since I was allergic to almost everything they gave me.  I'm afraid to go back for the blood tests because they'll probably just tell me that it was inconclusive too.
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499534 tn?1328704178
Hi everyone....I went to my drugstore to get my new script of Xyzal filled. It was $89.00. I asked the pharmacist what the diff was between this and zyrtec....she said that the 2 mirror each other....identical. Biggest difference was the outrageous price. I opted for the zyrtec and had her put the script back in stock.
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