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Zyrtec vs Xyzal

I have had hives since July this year. I had them about 7 years ago, they lasted about a year. I'm taking Zyrtec (once a day), Zantac (2 / day), Doxepin (150 mg @ bedtime), and Benadryl as needed. I had been on prednisone on and off since July but my doctor has taken me off of it (for obvious reasons). Unfortunately nothing I've taken other than prednisone has worked. My hives are particularly associated with pressure (underwear) - Since September i have worn a tank top under my clothes due to hives associated with wearing a bra. Since there are times that my clothing requires wearing a bra (like yesterday) and sure enough, hives were back by last night. Very, very itchy.... i drank a ton of Benadryl (the liquid version since that works more quickly than pills). I am ready to ask my doctor about other options - Xyzal, Atarax (I do have a quickly dimishing number of these pills from when I had to go to the emergency room), and perhaps dapsone. Does anyone have experience with these drugs? Right  now, i'm sitting here feeling so itchy (better than last night, but not good) and discouraged. I would appreciate others experience. Thanks!
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I had dermographism(pressure wheals), angioedema(lips and tongue), and urticaria. I also experienced muscle burning and pain, which sounded like what I have heard people say the symptoms of  fibromyalgia were like.

After about 2 years and number of doctors, allergists and internal medicine doctors, who put me on zyrtec, zantac, allegra, and singulair, I still was seeing no relief. The steroids worked at first, but when they wear off the symptoms would come right back. I stopped drinking cokes, diet and regular, thinking this may help. I read an article on food additives:


My hives started getting better but I still had the muscle aches. I then stopped going to restaurants, if I didn't make it or know what was in it, I didn't eat it. I just drink Milk, water, and unsweet tea now. My hives, aches and urticaria are gone. Maybe they are just dormant, but maybe it was the diet also. I have lost about 20 pounds and feel great. I just take rhinocort and zyrtec prn now for seasonal allergies.

I ate some peanut snacks a friend of mine gave me on a Friday, and that weekend I felt like I had the flu and had the muscle aches return. I found out on monday the peanut snacks he gave me were full of MSG. I just, last week, ate some chinese food with a friend from out of town and got the same symptoms again, so I think it was the MSG.

May help, may not, but worth a try.
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724166 tn?1236801058
  With Zyrtec I take 2 a day. I know some people might say it is not good but you know what. Compared to the steroids and all the other **** your doc would give you instead, this is the most affective and has the LEAST amount of side effects. Thos other meds are SOOOO much worse for you.
  One thing I have tried is taking One Zyrtec in the morning, One Claritin Hives ( its harder to find then regular Claritin but works way better!! I find it at Longs Drugs) and then late at late if I have issues I take another Zyrtec, but usually if I follow my diet I dont have too. Maybe once a week I have too.

Do you have anything other than the hives? I have a rash, hives, fever and get swollen in my joints and face. At one point I had 27 symptoms, they all came out of no where a year ago, when I was 25, Doctors could not figure it out. I had to figure it out and learned to control it through the Zyrtec and a special diet
    I tell EVERYONE to search Nightshade Foods, they are a group of foods that can get people very sick. They include tomatoes and Potatoes. I cant touch them now.
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479581 tn?1317757488
I also have MCS....I have taken singulair for the last 6 years.  It makes a huge difference.

I also use xyzal which seems to help....I've never used zyrtec so I can't compare them.  Recently I've started using the nasal spray omnaris....it works well for me.
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Xyzal has helped me considerably but in case of hives i think the best thing to check for is if you have a contact allergy. Most regular Allergists can not check for this you have to find a Dermatologist that specializes in contact allergy(very few). I know that Cleveland Clinic has one and Dr. Andrew Scheman in IL near Northbrook is another specialist. They can test you literally 100's of chemicals, substances, fibers, metals that will get you closer to a cause. If you need to fly down it's worth the trick. I was suffering from severe eczema and found that it was a severe allergic reaction to nickel which was causing it. I went through several allergists/dermatologist and it's only when i seeked treatment from this specialist that i was given some help.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I found that claritin has been the best for me but I have somewhat of a success story to share.. for several weeks now my hives and dermographism have died down, I get some around my neck and my scalp is a problem but the big wheals I used to get seem to have gone (touch wood) all I have been doing is putting on the Aloe vera Gel from Trader Joes, now I dont give that the credit ,it soothes it, but I think in my case the Urticaria was ,definatly caused by the Trauma I experienced last May also a lot of other Physical symptoms and I am sure I had PTSD to cope with. Maybe it has run its course if you see what I mean, the other thing I have addressed is to get some Adrenal Support Capsules, within a few days of taking them I felt more focused and the brain fog lifted and I felt "normal ' again. Okay I know,, but something is working trust me....
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i need help!!  i am new to hives and been having it for more than a month now!! i went to a doctor but didnt get a allergy test, the doctor gived to a steriod to take, now i just finish the medision!! and it start again!!! i been taking zyrtecs too, but dont know if thats good for me, because i have to take about 2 to 4 a day, to work!!  i cant find out what cause it, and i am scaried its going to continue!!! which should i do? can u guys please help me !!!
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