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Zyrtec vs Xyzal

I have had hives since July this year. I had them about 7 years ago, they lasted about a year. I'm taking Zyrtec (once a day), Zantac (2 / day), Doxepin (150 mg @ bedtime), and Benadryl as needed. I had been on prednisone on and off since July but my doctor has taken me off of it (for obvious reasons). Unfortunately nothing I've taken other than prednisone has worked. My hives are particularly associated with pressure (underwear) - Since September i have worn a tank top under my clothes due to hives associated with wearing a bra. Since there are times that my clothing requires wearing a bra (like yesterday) and sure enough, hives were back by last night. Very, very itchy.... i drank a ton of Benadryl (the liquid version since that works more quickly than pills). I am ready to ask my doctor about other options - Xyzal, Atarax (I do have a quickly dimishing number of these pills from when I had to go to the emergency room), and perhaps dapsone. Does anyone have experience with these drugs? Right  now, i'm sitting here feeling so itchy (better than last night, but not good) and discouraged. I would appreciate others experience. Thanks!
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1398370 tn?1280546410
I got a puppy - Shitzu and Poodle Mix (which are supposed to be hypoallergenic) to my child and  I had a horrible allergic reaction with airway almost close up , had to rush to hospital. Ok, I have had dogs all my life and noticed ocassional rhinitis and sore throat, so my parents were taking me to ENT's a lot. But my last dog died about 10 years ago and I didn't have close contact with them.I had the allergy tests done about 4 years ago which were reactive to mold, grass and there was minimal reaction to dogs. I tried many drugs on the market. Allegra, Claritin, Benadryl... For last 3 years Zyrtec-D was working fine, not great, but tolerable. After what happened on Monday  the doctor put me on Prednisone for 5 days, so inflammation definitely goes away , but palpitations are so intense I can barely go 2 flights of stairs, forget jogging. She gave me samples of Xyzal, it works pretty fast. But I have a bad headache. So is the headache from Prednisone or from Xyzal? Should I keep a puppy? I love the dog so much already. Does anybody think I will get used to a dog? I'd rather give it away sooner than later, or it'll be traumatic to everyone.From what I read here Xyzal is just a racemic switch in the molecule of Zyrtec, how come it works so much faster and more efficiently then? I don't know what to do. Thank you for reading!
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Zyxal is the only (new) drug that works for me. I am 68 and have had hives off and on since I was 12 years old. I am 98% in remission since July 2009. This drug is specially formulated for hives; however, for us seniors Medicare will not pay for this and neither will supplemental insurance. Expensive yes but it is better than my throat swelling and winding up in the funeral home. Two years ago my allergist had a blood DNA test done ($200 appx.) to check out what was causing this ideopathic reaction. Turns out it is genetic for spontaneous breakouts, and nothing can be done. So I continue to pay through the nose for this life saving drug. I feel for all of you.
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I've been suffering with chronic hives for 5 years, off an on, and I am 29 yrs old.  When I have an outbreak it'll last for weeks or months and this time it been since Feb (and now we are in May).  I've taken Zyrtec for years and it definitely helps with my allergies, but not the hives.  A friend of my recommended Xyzal so I talked to my doctor about it.  I started taking it two days ago and its, so far, it's working wonders.  Today I only have a few, 10 at the most, and usually I'm covered with hives from my shoulders to my knees.  I take the Xyzal at night and right now it's 9:00am the next morning and I can feel the itchiness, but they're not able to come out.  I also, put Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Stopping GEL all over my arms and legs and it really helps the itching.  

So below are the meds I take for my chronic hives and the combination seems to be working:
Xyzal (night)
Hydroxyzine (morning and night)
Benadryl GEL (all day)
Zyrtec (morning)
Singular (morning)

My conclusion regarding Zyrtec vs. Xyzal - they are different. Xyzal WORKS!!!
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XYZAL worked wonders for my itching. Nothing OTC worked long enough. Just remember to take at bed time. Doctor said if the problem is related to histamine, this works great. Text XYZAL to 62900 to receive a text coupon. I paid just $25 for my prescription.
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1191123 tn?1264676041
Dear All,

As a chronic perennial rhinitis sufferer, I know how it feels to have allergies. I am also contact allergic to tomatoes and aubergine; food allergic to all kinds of pepper.

I am taking a nutraceutical that comforted me: LECTRANAL. Active ingredient is Astragalus membranaceus.This product is available in some European countries.
Using Lectranal more than a year, I'm in a better shape: can sleep, breathe well, no runny-itchy nose and best of all, without the bothersome side effects like dry mouth, dizzy head, sleepiness and a huge appetite.
Only in my "high season" (April 15 - July1)I take it uninterruptedly; rest of the year I take it for a month and give it a week's breake.
I do not use the herb itself because I cannot trust where/how people pick it and if it is really the right plant.
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I have been suffering with hives for 2 years with an unknown etiology.  The only triggers are hot weather and exercise.  my dermatologist prescribed me clobex topical spray and it works wonders.  it is an topical steriod but with minimal side effects.  It is the only thing that I found that works.  You can manage the hives in 3 days they were gone I went 6 months without another flareup. Just give it a try also sarna lotion is great for itchiness, it is a nonsteriod cream available otc.
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