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I took advair for a couple days and my voice has been gone for almost a week now and its getting worse help
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209987 tn?1451935465
Was your voice going before using it?
Did you rinse and gargle after using it? My husband never does, and now his teeth are turning black, his throat is scratchy, etc. You should always rinse your mouth and gargle after using any inhaler. If you can't do it right away, then do it as soon as you can. At least drink something after using them so they don't rot your teeth.

Because it's been getting worse, I suggest you see your doctor soon.
It's quite possible you are having a bad reaction to it.

If your doctor says it's "nothing" try drinking herbal teas and gargling with salt water. That should help to improve things.
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Hello there,

May I suggest making an appointment with your family doctor. I would
say something like the Advair you prescribed for me is not agreeing with
me. Having your voice disappear for a week qualifies as not agreeing
with you and you say it's getting worse. Advair is not for everyone.
Your doctor needs to know Advair does not agree with you and he  or
she needs to prescribe another medication for you and tell you how to
get your voice back. Good luck.  Eve
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Do you have white stuff in the back of your throat?  Advair may cause a fungus to grow if you do not rinse your mouth and throat after use.  If you have a fungus, you will need to see your doctor.
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