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New cough after meds

I have been diagnosed with bronchitis.  I took my 3 day zithomax pack.  On this third day, I've developed new congestion and an irritated cough.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum,  you are suffering from respiratory tract infection involving bronchus and there can be possibility of involvement or spread to upper respiratory tract including throat and nose. Bacterial infection is one of the common causes. This infection is complicated by acute bronchitis which is accompanied by productive cough.

In such case, empirical therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics should be given. If the sputum is present, it should be sent for culture and sensitivity to start appropriate antibiotic. As you have taken already a course of Azithromycin, wait for resolution and meantime go for throat swab and antibiotic sensitivity. If the symptoms worsen change in antibiotics based on culture sensitivity test and cough suppressants are required. I suggest you to consult a physician for proper evaluation and treatment. Take care and regards.
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Agree with Resilient_Mimi.  Most likely the "added congestion" is just the breaking up of congestion that was already there.  Guaifensen is a safe expectorant and should help considerably.  Water is also great for helping to thin and expell mucous.

It sounds like you may need a second round of antibiotics though since it has taken this long to start breaking the gunk up.  Be sure to call your doctor on Mondy to check in and let him know how you are doing.  You don't want the infection to come right back because it was not adequately treated.

Whenever you are taking an antibiotic, you should take a probiotic.  Antibiotics kill ALL bacteria in your system, even the necessary digestive bacteria.  Those need to be preplaced.  The probiotice should be taken about half way between antibiotic doses.  That is pretty easy with azithromizcin.

Take care and feel better.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Welcome to the forum.

Magnesium chloride 1/4 teaspoon in one glass of filtered water, drink 3
> times daily (total 3 glasses). Relief in 24-48 hours. More fundamental
> remedy.
Please do your own research before making any decisions about your health
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1563533 tn?1345366296
If the secretions where too thick to break up before you took the antibiotic, then the medicine is working, it is breaking that congestion up, which will rattle more in your chest and you will cough more to get the serections out.  Try taking OTC guaifenesin this will help with the thinning of secretions and make it easier to cough up the mucus that is in your lungs. Also drink plenty of water.  If you dont feel better soon take to your md, also make sure your not running any fever.
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