1357904 tn?1277345609

allergie ?

i use to smoke pot all the time. until one day when i smoked it i tripped out really bad. it felt like i was in a dream then back in reality and so on . and then after 5 min of that my throat began to close and i becam very paranoid. after that i had tried smoking it agian and the same thing happens. it was different pot everytime. so im wondering did i become allergic to weed ? and is there a way to stop what happens?
2 Responses
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My son used to smoke it and ended up with seizures! STOP SMOKING IT!
It's a lot more dangerous than people are aware of and often leads to other drugs.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, long term smoking of Marijuana is associated with many symptoms of obstructive pulmonary disease: airflow obstruction, chronic cough, bronchitis, and decreased exercise tolerance.

Hence, from your history it suggests that you are experiencing airflow obstruction (not allergy) due to hyper reactivity to marijuana. As such marijuana is not associated with allergy.

If you continue for long term you can develop large air filled spaces of alveoli in lungs (bullae) which can reduce vital capacity. Sometimes associated with pneumothorax which leads to sudden breathing difficulty. Four marijuana cigarettes per day is equivalent to 20 tobacco cigarettes per day.

Finally, you need to quit smoking pot, and it will save your lungs. You can undergo chest X-ray to rule out any changes in lungs. Go for morning jog which will help to retain your vital capacity and also increases your oxygen saturation.

Take care and regards.
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