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allergies and asmtha

What do you do if when you start cleaning your allegies get so bad  you can't breath from the wheezing and have to do a breathing treatment ? There has to be a way not to have such a hard time. I take a allergy tab almost every day. So helpful tips will be a welcome.
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You should consult an allergy specialist or a chest specialsit for your symptoms. Do you have allergies to any specific substances?

What symptoms are you having? What is your age? Are you any medications?

Let us know about what your doctor advises.

You would probably need inhaler medications and a course of antihistamine medications for some time. A lung function testing would help to rule out asthma.

Let us know if you have any more doubts.

Hope this helps.

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I too have this problem.  This past Sunday I cleaned out a closet in my hall and by that night I was nasally congested, headache, drip in the throat, and ran fever.  I take twice daily, Zyrtec D and spray my nose before I go to bed with Nasonex.  The usually treatment to get me out of this, is a vitamin/steroid shot the doctor gives me, antibotics, and 10 day treatment of steroids to get me relief.

Have you found anything that works besides prescription drugs?  Any help is welcome.  Thank you.
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Is it dust that bothers you? For me when i dust it helps if I use that swiffer duster, because it grabs the dust and holds on to it instead of keeping it flying around in the air, and i also make sure to dust every week so there's less of it. Maybe using a little mask while dusting would help?

Also try googling "watercure" and "asthma" online... very cool info about how to ease the symptoms of it

drinking plenty of water (10 glasses or so a day) and using a healty amount of salt (not too much, not too little) has gotten me to the point where i don't need the inhaler very often and if i do get an allergy during cleaning, it's just an allergy but my breathing will be okay. i used to have very bad asthma attacks when cleaning etc. but this helped tremendously!
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