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allergies connected to lymph nodes?

I have mild asthma that is stirred up by seasonal allergies.  My Dr. has me taking Nasonex nasal spray, Advair inhaler, and Singulair.  Those meds seemed to help my breathing but I have noticed that my neck glands become kind of swollen from time to time. Like 2-4 times a month. Just swollen and achy but not a sore throat when swallowing.  Also, the lymph node that is right at the base behind my ear that connects to my neck swells up from time to time and feels like a little squishy, moveable pea.  Usually my nose and eyes ache/burn when all of this happens too.  Can allergies cause all of this lymph node swelling? Or is this a side effect from my medicines? Or is this swelling (especially behind my ear) something to be concerned about?
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To: Bhupinder Kaur, MD
hey i would just like to ask i have an itchy throat and sore throat for 1 year but i doesnt coz pain i have enlarge lympnodes my cbc are ok and normal my hiv test in one year is negative what is this?
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You could be having the lymph node enlargement secondary to the infection or secondary to some superadded infection.

In the normal course of events, this would subside once you are symptomatically beter.

You could try some steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications for your symptoms.

If your symptoms persist, it would be best to consult your doctor for a proper clinical examination.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.


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351246 tn?1379682132
Dear rugger22

Good and alert of you to notice the lymph nodes swelling. This is a common reaction to your allergy. As together with nose and eyes ache/burn (in your words) you notice this, so most likely its related. Its very unlikely that medication is causing the nodes to enlarge. The lymph nodes enlarge as the cells are overactive trying to remove the allergen (allergy causing substance/molecule) from the body.You can consult your doctor about this, maybe carry out some tests as advised by him like eosinophil counts and differential blood count, and seek advice about the course of treatment to reduce these symptoms.

Another point to consider would be presence of dandruff. If present this too can cause the nodes to enlarge.If its the case please see a good skin specialist.

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