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allergies to carbonated drinks

I have noticed that every time i consume a form of carbonated drink, i.e. cola....my body cannot cope with it very well. Even if its a small sip! I was wondering if anyone knows if there may be a substance within the carbonated drinks which may cause excessive bloating, vomiting, headaches, gastrointestinal discomfort, and general aching to the body??

I have done some research and i believe  Quinine dihydrochloride, Quinine sulfate is an additive to carbonated drinks which may case such problems as an allergic reaction.

I went to the pharmacist and essentially by drinking carbonated drinks poisons my body, like food poisoning would!

Thank you for your help
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After drinking excessively when I was younger (arounds about a litre of vodka a day) I got a gastro stomach bug where I was vomiting for about 3 weeks straight, couldn’t keep anything down. After that I would randomly get sick (upset stomach, dizzy spells, fast pulse, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.) when I ate things. I lost around 5 stone, in a year, (not trying) I would just (what I thought was random) be sick after eating  foods. I thought at first it was lactose intolerance but sometimes I could eat the foods and other times I was sick. My stomach was awful and I never knew when it would flare up. I stopped drinking fizzy drinks completely about 4 years ago and switched to cordial and my stomach definitely calmed down, I didn’t make the association though. About two weeks I started drinking sugar free lemonade because it’s cold in the fride, my stomach is awful again and now I know it’s definitely something in the drinks!
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At first I thought I was just allergic to the caramel coloring in cola drinks.  I gave them up two years ago.  But recently, and especially in the last week I've discovered I'm just allergic to soft drinks.  Disappointed, but have to deal with it!
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Wow! I an also allergic to carbonated drinks and suffer similar symptoms. However, the symptoms I suffer from come from the carbon it's self, not the quinine.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Well, there are many things you in cola that you could be allergic to. Coloring agents, preservatives, and phosphoric acid can all cause allergic reactions or intolerance. You could also have some kind of carbohydrate intolerance to the sweeteners used in cola drinks.  About quinine being present in colas, I am not sure. But yes, quinine if present can cause allergic reactions.You should consult an allergy specialist and get yourself tested for allergies to ingredients of colas so that you can avoid them in other food stuffs too.
Hope this helps. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage.  Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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